Controlling the current leader... doesn't that sound easy!
But after struggling at it for a day and searching the faq another half it isn't.
Here's the prob. I have scripted waypoints for a squad. The squad moves alright into designated positions until 1 of the following happens:
1) Enemy is sighted and the squadleader sh*ts in his pants
2) Enemy kills the squadleader and the new squadleader does no.1) and DOES NOT MOVE!
They seize movement completely. This only seems to happen when scipting waypoints with Move or doMove commands.
I've used this neat method:
[para1,dwp1,dwp2,dwp3] exec "infwps.sqs"
and then call (the squadleder) para1: _grp
and waypoints: dwp's _wp's
and make him move like this:
_grp move getpos _wp2
_grp setformation "ECH RIGHT"
@ unitready _grp
_grp setcombatmode "BLUE"
_grp setbehaviour "COMBAT"
_grp sideChat "Ok Echo holds fire until we can take them with 1 shot. over"
_grp setdir 330
@ _grp distance su1 <= 170
_grp setcombatmode "YELLOW"
@ supg
_lgrp = leader _grp
_lgrp domove getpos _wp3
_lgrp setbehaviour "AWARE"
By the time the variable "supg" is true, the squads original leader is usually dead. So now the 1 who's taken command should be "leader _grp". Doesn't work. The new leader cannot be called in a script with the same name?So, how do I command the current leader?
Walker, way off :-\. But so am I. this should be on another board...