You will need to use at least a line or two of code. If you want the AI groups to chase the player across the map you will need some kind of simple looping script, otherwise they will go to where the player was at the time the command was issued and stay there.
How about this. Create a seek and destroy waypoint for the chasing group. Use a switch trigger to switch the group into this waypoint at the appropriate moment. The switch trigger also starts a little script, something like this:-
; this script moves the S&D wp to the player's position
? stopChase: exit
[ChaseGrp1, 3] setWPPos getPos player
[ChaseGrp2, 3] setWPPos getPos player
goto "loop"
where stopChase is a variable you can set to true to end the script and 3 is the index of the S&D waypoint. Syntax not guaranteed, this is not a tested script it's just a suggestion.
Alternatively you could have lots of triggers, each with some kind of doMove or setWPPos command.