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Author Topic: Misfiring rockets/missiles: how to?  (Read 749 times)

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Misfiring rockets/missiles: how to?
« on: 18 Oct 2003, 22:31:58 »
Here's the poop. Roundabout april 13 some guy on the ofp.info messageboard posted some addon about misfiring hellfires he made. I inquired as to how he made them  and he refused to tell me, because he's an immature jerk.

I assumed it had something to do with this portion of the cpp:


... however I wasn't sure. I could post the whole cpp if anyone really cares enough to help me figure this out. I simply want to make a cpp mod for my own use with perhaps some various AT, RPG, FFAR... etc variants that occasionally fail to be dead accurate. Might add a slightly more balancing element to adversarial play since any monkey with a steady hand and a good eye can hit with them usually.

As always info is always greatly appreciated.


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Re:Misfiring rockets/missiles: how to?
« Reply #1 on: 19 Oct 2003, 03:34:36 »
Why in the world would you want that?? Hellfires happen to be very accurate and rarely misfire. The problem with OFP is that the hellfires automaticly lock on to the targets while in real life they are laser guided (using the choppers own laser) or on apache longbows radar guided...


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Re:Misfiring rockets/missiles: how to?
« Reply #2 on: 20 Oct 2003, 04:49:25 »
Because the guy who created the original modification did his homework. Secondly I think I made my reason perfectly clear if you didn't read all of my first post. I find the usage of all rocket munitions, guided or not, to be too easy to use, both by myself and by the people I play with. They too also complain that using said munitions really throws the balance of the game right off due to their effectiveness. So to add a bit of dimension and to start using choppers in my network games again. I was attemtping to make my own personal modification.

As of November 2002 about two-thirds of the Army's Hellfire missiles -- about 10,000 weapons -- had flawed rocket motors that needed to be retrofitted, and most of the missiles had yet to be fixed. The problems affect only Hellfire rocket motors made by a particular contractor, Hercules Aerospace Co. A second contractor's motors are fine. About 4,800 Longbow Hellfires and 5,200 Laser Hellfires are affected -- all the Longbows and half the Lasers. The Navy does not need to fix its Hercules Hellfires, because its helicopters are configured differently from the Army's and the risk is low.

Now that my conciliatory explanation has been served. Unless you have some at least marginally useful or neutral comment to make on my thread, take your peanut gallery opinions elsewhere, thank you.  8)