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Author Topic: Migrating addons-install question?  (Read 516 times)

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Migrating addons-install question?
« on: 05 Oct 2003, 16:33:01 »
I'm not sure if this is the proper forum for this question, but here goes.

I have a problem with a new addon migrating or overwriting something in previous mission (maybe a unamed empty object or effect)

--Mission A, that I have been working on, never had addon"b" in it.  I installed addon"b" into my addon folder. Now mission A won't load up in the editor --missing addon "b" messg.  
It will load up in single missions but I get a error messg. "cannot load missing addon"b". This all happened without having ever actually changing anything in the mission--all I did was install the addon "b" and play the test mission that came with it.

I deleted addon "b" from my addons folder but it didn't work.  I tried a fresh install of resistance, but the problem followed me.
Resistance even remembered my screen name after the fresh install. I did delete the codemasters ofp folder after I uninstalled it--just in case of any left over addon problems, but it still followed me.
Even after re-intalling flashpoint twice, then giving up and just including the addon it said it was missing, I still get the error messg.
--The addon i'm intentionally using in Mission A is made by the same guy that made addon "b".

So where do I need to go to delete flashpoint completely off my system so I can do a fresh install? Is it deep inside windows somewhere?

I know I should probably ask the addon maker, but I thought I would check here first to see if this is a problem anybody ever ran into and if I could fix it on my end.
I definately don't want to sound like i'm complaining or i'm ungratefull for the hard work that goes into addons.

THX for your time.

Offline macguba

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Re:Migrating addons-install question?
« Reply #1 on: 05 Oct 2003, 21:16:39 »
Rather than installing again, try this.     Remove addon b from your addons folders.    Fire up Notepad (or your favourite text editor) and open the mission.sqm file for mission A.      Near the top you will find a list of addons.  Delete them all.    Check further down the mission.sqm for the Intro and Outro addon lists and delete there too if necessary.   Don't worry - this won't destroy the mission.

Now try and play mission A.  It should work.   How you reintegrate addon b into your ofp folders without everything going wrong again is a tricker question of course.

Definitely contact the addon maker.  

If all else fails post the details addon concerned here - I understand why you are being discrete and it's a good attitude, but in the end of the day you have a problem and if we know what addon is involved it may help somebody come up with an answer.

As a fix you could add addon b to mission A, say on an outlying island somewhere where it won't be noticed.   That might do the trick, you never know.

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Re:Migrating addons-install question?
« Reply #2 on: 06 Oct 2003, 15:25:00 »
THX macguba!

It wasn't the addon, it was me.

I didn't know there was a seperate addon list in the sqm for intros and outros. I found the casue in the intro list.

 I don't know how it got there yet, or what the connection to installing the new addon was. Maybe I messed around with that unit on one of those sleep deprived 2am mission marathons, and just didn't remember.  ;D

The addon I put in my mission was HAWK M109 Palladin artillery and the addon that got in the way was HAWK 2s19 artillery. Both of them are great , they show barrel recoil and everything.

I fixed the mission and fixed the mission link in 'mission beta' forum.

I just suffer from a bad case of noobitus.

thx again.

Offline macguba

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Re:Migrating addons-install question?
« Reply #3 on: 06 Oct 2003, 16:23:46 »
lol good ol' "user error". ;D

Well, actually  it may not have been you.   I too have suffered with strange addon conflicts, which can sometimes be put down to OFP's fickleness rather than a mistake by the addon creator or user.   Anyway, all's well that ends well.
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play