I have made a script that allows a unit to build a small mobile camp anywhere they travel on the map. I used the createvehicle command for most of it. My problem is this:
All the created objects face in the same direction (north) and looks good but I would like to add another tent so that it faces in another direction. I have been using this command line for all my objects
tent = "campempty" createvehicle getPos b; tent setpos [(getPos b select 0) - (4), (getPos b select 1) + (11.5), 1.3]
It builds the camp in relation to "b". Is there something I can add to this so that a second tent will face in another direction besides north? It does not matter what direction "b" is facing the camp always point north.
I would like another tent a couple meters beside the firsth tent but facing in another direction. Plus I want to add fencing to this but if it all faces in the same direction it would not serve a very good purpose
As always, Thanks in advance ;D