This is the error message I get when trying to add trees with visitor.
I followed the standard Visitor tuturial, which says I must dePBO OFP's data en data3d in Buldozers data en data3d dirs.
But something went wrong here, it asks to overwrite some files with same name but different sizes. I believe I got the same type of error as in the title.
Then to continue, I started again and just didn't dePBO OFP's .pbo files in buldozer and was able to create an island (tutisland) covered with grass and a beach. When adding trees you need to have a tree.pbo from OFP so I copied only the str smrk.p3d file to buldozers data3d but then I got the above message. I tried a lot of things but can't seem to work ik out.
- Buldozer is in c: root
- I checked system preferences of Visitor
- This problem is the same with buildings
- I used Jazzbre's PBO tool for unpacking
Anyone familiar with this problem?