Hello there
I am trying to make a capture the flag mish to play online with others. I have created the basics of the map.. like buildings and stuff. I am absolutly clueless and rediculous at code and stuff and I was wondering if somebody could help me out.
I need to get spawn points and the flags inserted and I also need to insert ammo boxes for each side. What I dont want however is anything that explodes because I feel this will greatly unbalance the game.
The map I have made is or appears to be perfectly symetric (although this is my first time doing something like this)
It is a night-time mish in a real built up area.. the only light is the light comming from a chopper flying around overhead, I think it brings such a fun atmosphere to it all.
When I made it.. it automatically reminded me of Belfast
In order to get a better understanding of what I need to learn and implement, perhaps somebody could look at the map itselve, I have provided a link below
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mplayer/Belfast.Abel.pboThanks Lads