I made the script without any help acctually. You guys took too long to reply. Didn't think I had it in me
It's a good thing because I learned alot from it.
What I did was create a WTime.sqs that is executed everytime an EAST soldier is killed. Then I added a trigger on the map (x:1000, y:1000) for every EAST soldier, and named the soldiers e1,e2... the trigger works like this:
Activation: Anyone, Repeat
Condition: NOT ALIVE e1
Action: [ ] exec "WTime.sqs"
What I couldn't figure out is how to add every East soldier to One trigger. Doesn't matter tho since there's only 5 soldiers.
The script looks something like this:
WTime = WTime + 1
?(WTime == 5): WestScore = WestScore + 1
?(WTime == 5): WTime = 0
There's more to the script. Cant remember what I looks like really. I have a bunch of texts that show up when WEST scores etc. etc. It works great! I also fixed the "Return Flag" function. I'll post the entire thing when I'm back at my own computer. If you guys want that is. Note that some of the stuff is copied from the MP Templates and changed to suit what I need.