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Offline rhysduk

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #15 on: 20 Aug 2003, 23:49:30 »
Snyper_Kyle - when u get that Timer into a Hint Box i shall take another look at it and i sure Iwesshome will too ;D

Good luck and keep us informed - feedback will be here when u do that little alteration ;D

NOTE - Hey there is no need to apologize - i shall make an example mission for ur next script ;D

« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2003, 00:09:05 by rhysduk »
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Pride and Joy 1 (HW100-T)


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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #16 on: 21 Aug 2003, 00:10:15 »
I was thinking... do you need a count down timer to be placed on the screen or in a hint box? Is it more realistic to have a person get into the car and it just blows up after a few seconds?


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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #17 on: 21 Aug 2003, 00:19:39 »
YAY! :D I finished v1.01 of the car bomb script! Included is example mission and readme.  Download below and tell me whatcha think.
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2003, 00:22:03 by Sniper_Kyle »

Offline Chris Death

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #18 on: 21 Aug 2003, 04:18:02 »
Snyper_Kyle, i've just had a look into your script
and i would like to suggest you something:

Code: [Select]
? _guy in _car : goto "loop"
goto "check"

This would let the script use a whole lotta performance,
over and over again.

Is it really necessary, to check the presence of the guy
in the car, every possible moment?

You could insert a delay into your loop, to save performance
for other actions in the missions.

Code: [Select]
? _guy in _car : goto "loop"
goto "check"

Then there's your usage of goto statement.
You should try to cut off useless lines, or shorten up
a script to the smallest possible size.
e.g: if you turn around your condition, you could avoid
using two goto statements, and you would also not need
the #loop anymore.

Code: [Select]
?! _guy in _car : goto "check"

Then again there would be a mucho easier way to replace
the whole loopcheck with only one line:

Instead of the whole loop, you could use an @ condition.


Code: [Select]
@_guy in _car

would replace your whole loop

@ conditions will be checked every 0.5th seconds (i think
that would be ok in your case)

Ah and almost forgot:

hint sounds can become very very annoying when using
headphones  :o
In real life you will never get those hint messages, so should
it be here.

If you really want to keep on these messages, you could
also shorten this thing up with another loop and a counter:

Code: [Select]
_counter = 10


hint format ["BOMB ACTIVATES IN %1", _counter]


_counter = _counter - 1
?(_counter > 0): goto "hint_loop"

And rhysduk: i think it's really not important to make demo missions, when it comes for beta testing a script.
I mean it's a nice feature, having an example mission, but
never the most important thing.

hope this helps

~S~ CD
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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #19 on: 21 Aug 2003, 04:32:48 »
Thanx Chris ;D, I will try to take those nice changes into the new script (v1.02).  I also learned a lot from that.  I don't know that much about @ conditions and I dont know if I shall grow fond of them but I will put the loop time delay bit in there and if I put the counter in there to shorten the script...will it actually make the script work faster? :-\  One last thing, I think Rhyzduk has been taught whatever lesson you guys have been nagging him about like respect and stuff so just lay off, man.

     Sniper_Kyle ;D

2 NOTES: I put the hint box thing in there because it was requested to make a more realistic beepy noise thingy, and if you really wanna get annoyed by that ding sound, just try that new inv44 and seb mortar realistic bombardment thing.
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2003, 04:36:53 by Sniper_Kyle »

Offline Chris Death

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #20 on: 21 Aug 2003, 05:11:41 »
The @ condition acts just like a trigger ingame.

@ condition should be the perfect solution for
what you need here.

Using a loop, the script has to run through all lines
of that loop over and over again, while an @ condition
is just the very same thing, but enabled by BIS to have
such a loop with only one statement.

An @ condition checks, wether it is true or not true.

In your case it checks, wether _guy is in the _car or not.

@ conditions do have the same syntax as trigger conditions.


trigger condition: not (alive _guy)

is the same thing as: @not (alive _guy)


trigger condition: gogo

is the same thing as: @gogo

The key here is: why make it easy, when it also works
complicated (*joking*)  ;D - off course it is: why make it complicated, when it also works the easy way

A loop would make sense here, if you would like to have
different outgoings upon different conditions


? _guy1 in _car : goto "sequence1"
? _guy2 in _car : goto "sequence2"
? _guy3 in _car : goto "sequence3"
goto "check"

~S~ CD
Dont argue with idiots....they will bring you down to their level and beat you there with experience.

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #21 on: 21 Aug 2003, 07:17:01 »
Thanx again Chris  :D , I think I understand it now and will try to use it.  Man, if you help ppl out like ur helping me, why doesn't ofpec upgrade you a star?!

      Sniper_Kyle ;D


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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #22 on: 21 Aug 2003, 17:56:46 »
I think I am gonna add a bit to the car bomb script so that it will give some ppl some mission ideas....duh..duh..duh..I WILL AD A DISARM ACTION TO ANYONE NEAR THE CAR.  Ya I will get to work on that right away unless every1 thinks it is extremely stupid or I am overcome by constructive feedback.  MWA HaHaHa! :D

   Sniper_Kyle ;D

Offline rhysduk

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #23 on: 21 Aug 2003, 22:06:50 »
I dont htink this will be widely used but it could become another feature of teh script that could make it even mre enjoyable ;D

have a go and see what it looks/acts like - maybe it could nly be activated via a certain condition/s

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Offline Chris Death

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #24 on: 21 Aug 2003, 23:38:14 »
Just an idea,

as there are already car bom scripts available, you should
add something really new to it.

If you add a disarm action to it, make it so that once you
activate disarm_action, there will pop up 3 more
custom actions:

cut green link
cut blue link
cut red link

Now the one who wants to disable the bomb
has to choose one of these 3.

1 will let the car explode imidiately
1 will let the countdown speed increase
and 1 off course will disarm the bomb

(hehe reminds me on Lethal weapon and an Aussie called:
william wallace)  ;D

surely, you need to make it so that it's not always the
same colour, makin the same effect (*hint* random).

If you need more info on how to do that: i'm here (and so
will others be).

~S~ CD
Dont argue with idiots....they will bring you down to their level and beat you there with experience.

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #25 on: 22 Aug 2003, 17:04:08 »
EXTREMELY GOOD IDEA CHRIS!!!!  Thank you so much...I never thought of that!  Thanx, I will get right to it. Maybe I could make the right link random...(thinks to self :) ) Note: sorry I didnt read bottom of your post. :P

     Sniper_Kyle ;D

Also, how do I check if the action has been used? Do i just put somethin like '@disarm_action = true' ?

Another thing, I know I may saound like real newb  ::) but how do you make it so that when ANY person gets within 2meters of the car the disarm action appears?
« Last Edit: 22 Aug 2003, 17:30:18 by Sniper_Kyle »


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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #26 on: 22 Aug 2003, 18:03:54 »
I am having some serious troubles and am in need of serious help...I need to know how, if possible, you can pass variables from one script to another through an action. ???

PLEASE HELP FAST (I wanna get it done fast so I can make script better faster),
         Sniper_Kyle ;D

Offline Chris Death

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #27 on: 23 Aug 2003, 03:23:59 »
Kyle, actually i'm really very busy at my work
(it's goin round'a'round here), so i can't really
help you at the mo.

I'll hop in this weekend again to help ya gettin
this baby to work.

Meanwhile a few hints:

I am having some serious troubles and am in need of serious help...I need to know how, if possible, you can pass variables from one script to another

There are local variables (_variable), which can't be
passed from script to script

and there are global variables (variable), which can be

_variable = 0

will only work inside the local script

variable = 0

will work global and can be accessed by every script

As you want to do this in multiplayer, you also need
to take care that the variables do match on all machines.

Therefore there is the publicVariable command.


variable = 5
publicVariable "variable"

The first line would assign a value of 5 to the variable

The second line would update the variable on each machine
with the value the variable has on the actual machine.

(lol - i know this may sound a bit like hardcore math right
now, but once i get more time left, i can tell it you in an
easier way, including better examples)

Also, how do I check if the action has been used? Do i just put somethin like '@disarm_action = true' ?

Best you do that by (as you are already close by) using
a flag (boolean/numeric variable) to be set on/off

in the script which is activated by disarm_action, you just
say something like: disarm_sequenze = true

and if it's true, you/the game knows that it has been activated
if it's not true - yeah yeah you know ...

how do you make it so that when ANY person gets within 2meters of the car the disarm action appears?

Well, best you would add the action to the car itself, at the
point of time, when the bomb gets activated.
Now every unit who comes close to the car, would get
the custom action showing up at right bottom.

The only thing to mention here is:

even the guy inside the car will be able to activate the
disarm action, but you can make a workaround here aswell
by checking in the disarm script, wether the unit who
called the disarm script is inside the car or not.

If he's inside, let a message appear to him, telling him
something like: "damn - how shall i disarm the bomb, if i'm
inside the car - i need to get out first" and then exit the
script for him.

You would also need to do that with the cut_link actions,
therefore i think it would be best to let a dialogue box
appear, once the disarm action has been called, and it's
not the guy inside the car, trying to disarm.

I hope i don't lead you into a toooo mucho complicated
affair now by all these suggestions, but as i already said
a simple car bomb already exists, and i just want to help
you makin something really excellent here.

btw - i should have thought myself about this script, but i just
cought up your idea, so i'll leave it to you earning the
stars for that  ;)

Sorry, if it's not easier now than before, but due to
my lack of time at the mo, i can't explain it more easier
for you right now - as i mentioned before, i'll be back
with more info this weekend.

~S~ CD
Dont argue with idiots....they will bring you down to their level and beat you there with experience.

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #28 on: 23 Aug 2003, 05:35:37 »
I think one emoticon will sum up my emotion... :o I think this is getting real complicated with all the dialogues and stuff but luckily I had a look thru the Official Com Ref and found some stuff on dialogues and I think I can somehow ??? find out how to do it...  THANKS 4 THE HELP!  Cant wait till this weekend when we can really get to work..and don't worry about credit, I shall leave in a good word for you and about how much you did :D.

     Sniper_Kyle ;D

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Re:New beta car bomb NEEDs beta testers!
« Reply #29 on: 04 Oct 2003, 20:28:17 »
any luck with 1.02 and the red, green, blue trick?

I've been toying with the idea of basing a mission around someone in a helo trying to get the car's driver to stop before the bomb goes off.

Well you did ask for any suggestions ;)
How about a bomb that arms over 50 and blows up when the speed is under 50 - gee that's original LOL - but would be fun mwahahahaa
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