Well those are good points and again strictly speaking I don't know whether it does or not. The prog I'm thinking about giving a serious shot with, as mentioned before doesn't have alpha channel adjustment settings, or transparency per se. All it has concerning the whole matter are two slider bars which adjust the opacity of a "layer" for lack of a better term, and the feathering of a cutout to be overlaid. This prog I would like to use was made back in '93 long before OFP came out, and I have used it in the past to succesfully mix images with transparency and feathering effects to hilarious degrees at times(i.e. a rather plump friend who wanted his head placed on the body of a rippled muscle comic book superhero in an image) ;D
I would however be appreciative of just a straight glass texture,Kaliyuga, as I have no idea where I could find one of those.