I'm pretty new to the OFP scripting and mission making, so please excuse my ignorance here. Here's what I have and what I'm trying to do:
#1) I have a trigger that I want the player ONLY to activate. It is set over another west unit so naturally setting it to "west" is out, and it controlls the AI movements of enemy soldiers so being a radio channel is out as well. Is there some way to activate the trigger (amybe with the condition field) so that only the player will activate it?
#2)One of my missions is a search-and-rescue type operation. Right now I have two triggers, one activates if the soldier to be rescued is dead [not(alive unit1) in the condition field] and that fails the objective. The other is for a successful finding of the soldier to be rescued and it completes the objective (I just used a radio channel for this one).
I would like to combine these two into one trigger (either a radio channel or player activated) that will do both. Is this possible?
Again, excuse my ignorance... I'm a newbie! Thanks for any input on this.