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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 69318 times)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #210 on: 31 Aug 2004, 09:46:51 »
As a matter of fact I didn't have any squad at the time lol.
 ;D  :P
ahh, im great.  The only time I worry about my squad is when we are all under attack, and if they are doing any good!  Sometimes, though, that require teamwork (which this obviously does) I usually keep my squad (even partially) alive.



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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #211 on: 31 Aug 2004, 09:50:30 »
Oh and btw:

Thanks chaps!   I will...............................................
- Check the placement radii of the enemy groups at the start, they shouldn't be mixed in with your squad.  They are meant to start pretty close sometimes though.   Retrying the start is intended to be a feature of the mission.    Occasionally you get no attacks at all (the attacking groups are all on probabilities) and it sounds like this may have happened to you at the base.    However, you tend to pay for such statistical bounties later in the mission.         (Edit:  checked and they seem to be OK.   AnarCHy, can you remember which start position it was?   Choices hidden below so as not to spoil.   Highlight to read.

- color made it readable
- color made it readable
- color made it readable
- color made it readable
- color made it readable
- color made it readable
- extra line to confuse people
- ditto

- tree junction with lorry

« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2004, 09:51:25 by AnarCHy »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #212 on: 31 Aug 2004, 10:24:55 »
As a matter of fact I didn't have any squad at the time lol

 ;D 8)

Thanks m8.    I've tested it and yes you're right, at the edge of its placement radius one of the attacking groups would virtually overlap with yours.   That is a little close, I've moved it back a few feet.   Obviously I've moved another one closer to compensate.    Checking around the map this happens in one or two other places as well - I hadn't allowed quite enough for how far back your own squad goes.    But if you hear "8 is down" before you have time to hit the dirt you'd be well advised just to click the retry button without further delay .... your weapon selection is preserved.

The unerlying problem is that the placement radius is round:  I want an ellipse to give a relatively constant distance, but a wide range of bearings.   Sadly we're stuck with circles, which means in order to get a decent range of angles the distance is sometimes a little closer or further than ideal.   I could script it but that's sailing very close to the wind as far as design rules are concerned and anyway not worth the trouble.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #213 on: 31 Aug 2004, 22:11:19 »
OK I have looked at the begining of  init.sqs.  I don't want to be invincible - just yet.  But a comment on the invincibility script.  There is the line

"_x addEventHandler [{Hit}, {_this select 0 setDammage 0}]" forEach units sn

follwed by an infinite loop.

Could you drop the infinite loop if you also add the line:

"_x addEventHandler [{Killed}, {_this select 0 setDammage 0}]" forEach units sn

Just a thought.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #214 on: 31 Aug 2004, 22:16:18 »
You probably could.  As with everything else in the mission this little script has a long history.  It started out just for me, and the killed eventhandler is no good for humans - it doesn't bring you back to life fast enough to prevent the death dialogue.    I need to update that script before release anyway, it needs more instructions.

Edit:  actually you still need the infinite loop for the player.   Even with that script running you can still be killed.  Could take out the ai units though, which would help the lag that little tiny bit.

Second edit:  script amended.   Everybody gets hit and killed EH, player gets setdammage 0 loop and optional setCaptive true.

I greatly appreciate the way you keep finding lagdemons for me to zap.  :thumbsup:   Keep 'em coming!
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2004, 22:24:56 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #215 on: 31 Aug 2004, 22:21:02 »
Yeh I forgot about the player.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #216 on: 02 Sep 2004, 23:42:53 »
Release candidate [/size]published!

Yes folks its finally here, after two years:   the final version (0-62) of the Un-Impossible mission.     This is essentially the finished article, any changes will only be in response to beta testers comments or anything I find wrong in the final series of tests.    I'll leave it up for a few days before submitting to the Missions Depot.    The big change from the last version is the addition of the Outro.   Full change list below.    All comments welcome, particularly relating to the later part of the mission and the outro.     If you unpbo it you can find cheats in init.sqs.

THobson, in the end I put the group back in the setdammage loop for the invincibility script.  Turns out that the one combination that actually  makes the loons invincible is that loop and the hit EH.    Killed EH doesn't cut the mustard.   I suspect I discovered that a long time ago and then forgot.    

Changes list from v0-61 to v0-62.    Overall the new difficulty level is very slightly harder.


Added Outro Win
Improved first aid kit script
Added recce picture to Briefing
Reduced volume of Briefing music
Changed various titletexts for titleRscs
Added credits to mission accomplished cutscene

Fixed motorbike patrol running out of fuel
Changed motorbike patrol from "safe" to "aware"
Replaced chopper refuel trigger with slow script loop
Various other minor fixes and improvements


Added a few Soviet weapons to ammo crate at spetz natz camp
Moved some inital attack groups back very slightly
Moved Guard WP of smaller Bradley/Abrams group


Increased enemy probabilities at start positions
Reduced the number of enemy Heavy Grenadiers
Moved useless execution barn guard outside and changed him to blackop
« Last Edit: 02 Sep 2004, 23:45:19 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #217 on: 07 Sep 2004, 17:44:37 »
ur next om ma list :D

now wen i have long time :D ill do a test

nywayz i have some idea 4 ur lamp prob... there was some script that lopped flare under a lamp nd it look oright... u can prooly find it in the ED :P

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #218 on: 07 Sep 2004, 18:09:23 »
Don't worry about the lamp problem.   I'm beginning to think I'll use daytime and skiptime commands to make sure it happens in daylight.     You don't usually bury people in the dark anyway.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #219 on: 07 Sep 2004, 18:40:08 »
wheoll I just tried this about 20+ times and always died in the first 5 minutes. Gonna take a brake now and try again later. But I don't know if I dare because if I ever get this one through I may be done with OFP for life time.
Not all is lost.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #220 on: 09 Sep 2004, 10:12:24 »
New version up.   v0-63[/url] plays very similarly to the previous one, the differences are mostly cosmetic and minor bug fixes.     The lamppost problem has gone away - I've altered the script so that the cutscene always happens in daylight.  

The Outro is noticeably better and I've even managed to work in a Saltire (Scottish flag) at the end.   (I'd appreciate somebody checking the outro in the mission editor, you know how these things can screw up on other computers.)  

There are also two custom onPlayerKilled scripts active during the mission, and I've randomised it so you can get either of those or either of the BIS ones, giving a total of four possibilities.  I feel confident that this feature will be thoroughly tested.   ::)

However the most important change is that there are now more cheats that you can activate from init.sqs.    They vary from full invincibility to a little bit of help with ammo.     It is legitimate to use them in beta testing, so that you can see how the mission pans out although obviously you can't then claim to have beaten the mission.

I've just made four genuine attempts with the default weapon loadout, as a wee test to make sure this version is working.   Only once did I make it out of the initial killing zone (with just one loon alive) but got shot when I went back to pick up weapons.

Many thanks as ever to all beta testers.    Your work is valuable and greatly appreciated.

Change list from v0-62 to v0-63

Added more cheat possibilites to init.sqs
Added two custom onPlayerKilled scripts
Added a few more NVGs to West

Improved Outro
Added flares to Outro
Created seperate camera script for Outro

Fixed chopper ECP bug
Fixed Intro ECP bug
« Last Edit: 09 Sep 2004, 10:24:59 by macguba »
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Re: Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #221 on: 17 Sep 2004, 08:40:25 »
THIS WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN AS AN EMAIL FOR MacGuba (that goes some way to explaining its length lol )


Hi Macguba, just thought id send you a quick email (Edit After finishing writing: well mabye not actually) about your mission Un-impossible.

I was at OFPEC looking through forums (I was looking for a script, im a third rate mission maker trying to get better :p ). And saw the thread about this Un-Impossible mission. I only read the first couple of pages (well there was a ****load of posts about it) then skipped to the last page and got the link to your site, where I downloaded the mission. That was about 24 hours ago. I played it twice and got killed the first time, and all of my squad except 1 and me the second time within about 2 mins. I later worked out it was south east and south west of the hilltop respwctivly. Anyway, around 6pm when I got in I decided to give it a proper go. If you want to about read it here is my story. Id just like to note id never played any previous versions and my first try was yesterday. (Version 0-63).

[Im sorry its really long. But this is a shortened version!

My squad was equipped mostly silenced  (me and 2 others with HK's remaining and a couple of bizons) except for 1 soldier who had a Dragunov, and the medic who had a M21.
When the mission started I looked round, immediately ordering everyone prone and snipers hold fire.
As expected (since it was third time I tried) enemy came in quickly. Took first squad out with no casualties. Ok , this is bettter I thought. Well suffice to say that wasn't the last of them, another 2 or 3 squads came.  We killed them but lost 2 men, including the dragunov carrier. Another squad not long after that, then came the dreaded sound of an Abrams. I had just started ordering people to pick up laws when the tank came to the entrance and stopped. I ordered to Hold fire, as only 2 of us had laws. I then used the first save (the normal save that comes with OFP) because in that tank I spotted a golden opportunity. Unfortunatly my squad were right in front of it, so when I moved them , the tank spotted us. … Load…
This time I tell them to halt, and go out the back entrance (Well the opposite entrance anyway) and go round the perimiter. Sneaking behind the tank, I crawl up, and  place the satchel in the perfected distance that will damage it enough for AI the crew to bail, but not to completely disable it. I then take out my law and get behind the ridge. In the first of many frantic but so called co-ordinated moments,  I fired my law , just as I order my guys to run the opposite way of the tank (so the satchel doesn't kill them , and yes that's how close they were). Then without reloading law, just duck as the tank turned towards me, a few seconds later I see its turret turn towards my comrades , so I Touch off, and quickly run to the tank to neautralize the crew that inevitably bail out. Its worked. Its immobobile, but the turret still works (one side of tank in red, the other in orange, turret yellow-orange - Remember for this will be important later!!) Then comes a Truck and a couple of jeeps. They don't know what hit em! At this point I decide to get out, cause I hear a cobra circling above. Thank god for my squadmate number 7, who through the mist took out the Cobra as it came past within 100m with his strela . I quickly re-arm myself and prepare my squad to move.
I set out in a column formation on a road out west. I make some checks of the land and other features to check my intitial suspicions about where we started are correct. When the road starts turning north west im 100% sure. The place we started in was the OLD BASE! (which is of course the main objective - great! , Well that's what I thought at the time that it would make it much easier, little did I know what was coming later however :p )
I started to plan my route up the hill. Me and my 5 remaining guys from the intitial firefights. I was coming in from the north west and for the lower part of the main hill chose a route what I thought had the least bushes (less likely hood of snipers normally). It took a long time, because I was stealhy, methodical, and painstakinly slow at some points going up. During this time I got the message (so you've survived this long, you get a savegame)m and used it. When I checked the map to see how far id gone, I was only half way up! Ah well.
Further up the hill I got the savegame option for being nearer the top. I didn't use it immediately, even though I was taking it slow I waited before I was just south of the big rock about 75 m before I used it. The reason. Id spotted my first sniper. It was the one south of the rock. I took him out with the HK. I then crawled forward, and 7 was under fire from the bushes just to my left and killed. I spotted where the fire was coming from and took him out. Crawling forward I spotted a squad but my squad held fire because of the continuing possibility of snipers bespite my silencer. One of my teammates spotted one to my half left. I took him out silently aswell. I then ordered the open fire on the squad near the top of the hill, started taking them down, but a sniper, who ended up being really near to the last one I killed (but I obviously didn't spot him first time) took 3 of my squad out. I eliminated him, but then as I turned back to the enemy squad, A machine gunner gave the good news… Retry. ..
This time I dealt with the snipers and most of the squad silently, then contined moving up the hill slowly, positiong my men individually to cover each other as we were going up etc. I was just about to look over a crest when a whole american squad ran past "GO GO GO". All hell broke loose. A hand grenade took out my medic. And we were firing at even closer ranges that the start of the mission. After the first squad was dispatched I quickly orderd my men into s slighly further up position and covering all angles. I was on Point with men covering left right and rear. The next 5-10 mins was the most intense OFP experience for a long , long , long time, possibly ever, and that's saying a lot! That moment, which occurs when I forget I was playing a game, acting on pure instinct, and genuine fear are the greatest moments ever!
At least three squads came from various angles came at us. After the exchange there was 4 left in my squad including me. I eventually got up to the perimiter of the Yank Flag, and placed a satchel on the barbed wire hoping to blow it on my side! No such luck, I geuss you thought of that. I then went to the left side (as I was looking at it) where the barbed wire things were , hoping to squeeze through. I just got to the corner when the "Open gate" action came up. Thank f**k for that I thought.
It was that moment when the enemy chose to emerge for their next attack. A fiece rain of silent death fell upon them, but they came up behind and vanquished up my 2 flank gaurds. Only me and 1 other left. Im on my last mag.
More americans come.
Im now out of ammo, with 3 americans less than 5 metres away, and they have just shot my last squad mate. There are so any bodies around, I pick up dead yanks G36 which is lying but a metre away and dispose of  three more of those capatilist scum!.  Another squad comes, I'm at the gate… I'm so close. Im on full auto, taking them down, then I'm shot from behind injuring my legs.
I turn around and open fire at the remenants of another squad who have came from behind. Then a g36 soldier from the opposite side ( who I was shooting at 5 seconds ago) finish the job. d**n! So close. Now I have to start from back down below the rock. I was stuck between the rock, and the american army!
Then followed a pattern of half a dozen restarts, all similar to what I just said above, varing slightly the route, and silently dispatching a few other snipers accordingly. Mostly however I was coming the same way, positiong my men carefully and efficiently but took so….. long….
Eventually after half a dozen or so many ongoing firefights up the same areas, and many "GODDAMMIT!"'s After getting shot near the flag, I eventually thought I had it. After some fierce CQB against overwhemling numbers, and also taking out squads from long range who were further down the hill my squad was at the gate, with no enemy incoming.
My squad at this point consisted only of me and one bloke, who was racking up kills big-time at this point in the position id gave him. All others had been killed. 2 on the way up and the rest around the top. As I crawled ( I dared not stand up, id been waiting so long for this, and killed so many god-d**n americans, I got to the flag. There was a few guys in the ruins who I took out and some people trying to sneak up behind my number 2 who I also dispatched. I got worried for a second (it seemed like an eternity) when I got to the flag and there was no option to take it.
My feeling when it changed to the russian flag and I got savegame was of huge relief (I used the savegame immediately, cause I knew if I had to go through that another time(s), my monitor would have been at risk of destruction) .
I waited only about 30 seconds, only seeing two yanks in that time and eliminating them. Only now did i realise I had at least one peice of lead in me! During the actual fighting i hadnt even noticed id been hit! I used the medi-pack function (that you only get one of) to heal myself (Lol the group radio is  pretty funny)
I took a fresh HK from a black op, and ordered my number two in the jeep. I had a plan but we had to be quick, there was no time for him to rearm, but he still had a single LAW. I could hear the bradleys on their way to the base, so I powered down the hill in the jeep straight towards it, jumping straight over an American sniper on one of the jumps down the hill,
I was thinking infantry wouldn't get there fast enough. As I drove down I saw three bradleys on my right powering towards the base. d**n they were fast,  was it too late already? I ordered dismbark just outside the front door, after we came under fire.  I was running to the entrance to the base when I came under MG fire from the bradleys, for just half a second. I thought I was a gonner, but my number two had used his only LAW at just the right moment and took the bradley which firing at me out. I took this opportunity to take my own LAW out , and used 1 of my laws to take out a second bradley. I saw to my right as this happened my number two being killed, so I didn't risk reloading my law and getting shot, instead it was time for plan Alpha.
Since there was only one bradley left in that group I felt confident that if I was quick, I could hop in the gunners seat of the M1 I partially disabled earlier (aha yes my plan all along. Cunning, at least I thought it was  ) . I traversed looking for the target and annihilated him with a sabot round. No-one inside was alive enough to get out. I did a 360', spotted infantry coming in from the other side of the base. Switch to MG. FIRE! Not that long ago id spent hours fighting oncoming infatry using silent weapons, so using an MG felt from an Abrams like justice.
Because I was playing without third person, I kept going in 360 sweeps.
By shooting everything that moved, coming in from directions, I took only a single law hit, but luckily it was the side of the tank that wasn't as damaged, and I wasn't going anywhere anyway.
When I heard another Abrams , I thought it was over, but it drove in fast, right past me, so I got too shots off, then as its turret faced me a third shot fired disabling it. The fourth SABOT destroyed the tank. I chose at this time to use the save that u get for approching the base now that I was safely (hehe well sorta) within the tank and had shaved off another abrams.
On more than one occasion, the infantry got so close I had to hop out, and fire a HK mag to dispatch them, reload and hop back in. I heard a couple of more breadleys, and made holes in the outer wall so when they drove past it, theyd get a tank shell in their body.
2 more bradleys destroyed. More infantry, this time a lot, switch to heat. Disturbingly my tank was getting low on ammo (well MG and sabot). After quite a few dead yanks and some hairy moments, I waited a while and had no contacts. So I got out and did a base search. I saw 3 or 4 guys hiding  behind a biuling and shot them. As I moved to the other side of the base I heard a bradley revving up.
I took out my law. I still had the law from when earlier which I didn't fire. I reloaded, just in time. It came side on and I took it out. I took out the crew still using my HK. I went for ammo.
I was at the ammo crates when a sniper round landed nearby. I ran for cover , but the second round hit me before I could get there. Dead….d**n… Retry…
I had a have quite a few retrys from when I saved in the tank., the first retry  the tank got blown up, the second I got shot while engaging a squad during a foot sweep. But it was the couple times that the sniper hit me from close by in the woods to the north that was getting on my nerves. The sniper who'd killed me the first time was on the hill within line of sight of the tank so him and a couple of his mates were dealt with by that.
Eventually, I was happy the enemy were coming in in only ones or twos or threes, so I was on foot, moving between the biuldings and corners in cover around the base. All the enemy were shot again with HK. Infact the only time I hadnt used HK a burst of G36 fire I explained earlier (but technically I hadnt since I died that time, anyway..). So I decided, even though it was taking a risk , I ran out to the jeep and started driving round the perimiter. I got out once and shoot a sole guy on the opposite corner of where the main fighting had been who was glitched in a biuling and only his feeet popping out, then I got back in the jeep and started driving about a bit more.
I spotted an infantry squad coming in from the hill!. A bit late I thought. I couldn't use the tank, because Id blown that up with a satchel before I got in the jeep, so I debused and engaged them. Luckily for me they didn't return fire. Once again back in the jeep, but circled round and was just back in the base about to goto the medi tents, when the mission complete message came up!
( YAY1.jpg ) gooddammit that was hard.
Quite a few retrys, mostly after painstakingly long amount of time, then having to get motivated to do it all again, was it worth it? I looked at the time. I started plainly it around 1745-1800. Id had a few 20-min breaks after a particularly annoying death - going so well. then blam . One of those times was too get my dinner - a few hours late, but I had to do something to get my adrenaline back down to stealth mode  (those firefights, even silenced on one side, are intense!.). And also my system needed a reboot (my PC is older than Flashpoint lol ).
The on completion the clock now read 0142. Id been playing, and particularly around the flag, replaying and getting so close yet not close enough a few times, yet this time id done it! Then I realised I hadn't visited the civilians. Even though it gave me the choice to finish , me being never one to give up a challenge, chose to take my battered jeep south.
On the way I went over a drop and ran straight into an American squad! I ran one of them over, I think an AA soldier, and just kept on driving, didn't want to die now, cause I wasn't sure about the retry time even though it said updating retry position on completion of main objectives.
I got to the town and by this time id been fighting for quite a while on my own, so It was nice to have some company again!
After getting the info from the civs and fixing etc the chinook I headed off to the Landing Zone area to see if there was anything interesting. I did a sweep and got out for a foot search but no sign of anybody or anything. So I got back in and flew to the spetz camp. Civvie stayed in the chopper on the road while me and my new spetz buddy got out to deal with anyone who was there. I spotted them first, but buddy was on open fire, and he took most of out himself! (I thought that was pretty cool, and ironic!) I got a screen shot of him sitting down at the fire afterwards ( chill1.jpg) - by this point I had seen a lot of killing so give me a break! We then went back to the chopper and headed back to main base. I wasn't expecting anyone to be there, and I didn't realise my LZ  (just to the east of the base) was hot until id landed and ordered spetz out. The civvie dude was gunner and he took out the squad (well half squad) around the base, while I took out a couple of guys in the other side before taking spetz into the base. Didn't see anyone obvious so I took an enemy count on the radio. There were still 104 Americans left!!. I decided that I should know when to quit.
Id completed my objectives, raised the flag, defeated the Americans at the base, made contact with the civilians (and although it wasn't objective, cooked some sausages at the spetz camp in the woods). It had taken another hour or so since the main objective (I had to retry once after I saved at the civvies when me chopper got AA'ed. Doh!)
So final finishing time was around 3am - 9 hours. I hadn't chosen to continue before I went to see the civvies etc, so I chose to end the mission there.

Again if you chose to read it I'm sorry its so long (it took quite a while to write it too as you can imagine)]

Im glad I completed it. It took careful management and positioning of my men to complete the first objective. Then after my number two seemed to sacrifice himself for me at the Bradleys, I was on my own for the duration of the base attack. Good thinking about use of the tank when it came at the start and good luck that it was the main base I started at! I used all the saved that came with the mission that I received, plus I used the one you always get on OFP near the start when I spotted the opportunity with the Abrams. Despite this it's really hard when you've put up a brave fight for 45 mins and you have to start from back down the hill.. again… to get motivated to do it again. Not to mention when you've just rearmed etc a chopper and you get blown out the sky (least that only happened once)

But hey, no one said it was gonna be easy!

Played Vet mode as requested. Tracers and Third Person view off. Super AI on.

Ive attached obligitory screenshot score and such like. No cheats were used, and nothing was edited. I havent seen anything untoward except for a few tactics from the early posts in the forums (but they would have been older versions) and I only got the mission yesterday and tried it properly today! Patience, resileence, and a bit of luck saw me through

The endings were very nicely made and a good reward for all the hard work the player has done… but my squad and me just eliminated sh*tloads of enemy, and we end up getting blown up when were getting extracted!….haha what away to go

I chose laugh, - followed not long after by punch macgubi! (don't worry im a fellow Scot , so you can punch me back soon

Ive played OFP since it came out on demo ages ago… used to play a lot. I took a break from it but am getting back into it now and still have enough residual skill to get me by. Just.

You've obviously spend a lot of time on this and although ive not given much back and mabye made you spend a year reading this, that's because I couldn't find anything wrong or glitchy with it! (there were a couple of blackops running about on their own , that was maybe supposed to happen) everything else in the mission seemed to work fine, at least on the side I fighted on.- So well done!

Its Great work. This sort of thing is that you have done is why Operation Flashpoint is the best game ever made , on any platform , ever! And thanks to people like you, people like me can go into a whole other zone.

Oh by the way. You reference to Ace Rimmer at the civilian meet was a nice touch , that alone made it worthwhile for me. Great! - What a guy!

I would greatly appreciate if you could reply to this, even if you've only read the start and end, to confirm you got the email. Id like to know how many people have been able to complete these latest versions ?
And also the experiences other people have had , coming from other directions and such like - and also your view on the way I did it and how I started at the base.. lol

Perhaps in a couple days when I get some sleep etc I can deal the with other hundred Americans that remain! Is there any extra reward for this i.e a separate cutscene, cause if there is I could be tempted to try.

Sorry again for length if yove read this. I don't normally reply to these, but in this case a whole day has been devoted to it, so ove made an exception

TIME OF START - 1800 (rough) on 16/9
TIME I CHOSE TO EXTRACT (i.e after Civvie contact etc)  0306
ACTUAL MISSION TIME - 2hours 6mins

Teammembers - All of main squad killed except me. Civilian and Spetznatz from other squad that joined survived (well none of us did, but you know what I mean  
You wont see the flash , cause I've shot you in the ass.

EMAIL sneaker_gdh@hotmail.com

Don't Talk Crap. - Actions speak louder than words.

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« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2004, 14:36:50 by Sneaker »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #222 on: 17 Sep 2004, 11:23:56 »
WOW!   Thank you Sneaker, I read all of that and I'm going to read it several times more.   It's great to have such a detailed report, I really appreciate it.     I have, as you say, put a great deal of work into this, and it's nice to get a response.

You are now the Un-Impossible Mission Champion.    The only other person to have completed this version is Planck (also a Scot) although others have completed earlier (easier) versions.    He took over 26hrs mission time and scored over 68,000.  (See page 11 of this thread.)  The flag raised on the Hill in the Outro is now a Saltire, I think it is on your version if you want to look again.    I struggle to do a fully cheated run through in less than 2.5 hours gameplay.    

You played extremely well and you were also very fortunate - you rarely get a chance to down the chopper before the fog clears.   However, your skill in disabling an Abrams was vital:  Planck did the same thing I think.  Which only goes to prove that my first instinct, 2 years ago, to have no armour was correct.      The mission is too close to finished to take the armour out - plus it is fun to have it in - but I will rethink it slightly.  

then skipped to the last page and got the link to your site, where I downloaded the mission.
Was there anything in particular that attracted your attention?

I played it twice and got killed the first time, and all of my squad except 1 and me the second time within about 2 mins.
Good.  ;D   That's what is supposed to happen.

I later worked out it was south east and south west of the hilltop respwctivly.
If you want to give it another go there are more start positions for you to find, as you will have seen from the map the civvies gave you.    

My squad was equipped mostly silenced  (me and 2 others with HK's remaining and a couple of bizons) except for 1 soldier who had a Dragunov, and the medic who had a M21
Silenced is probably the best way to go: sniper rifles at the start are no use at all because of the fog.     There are plenty of snipers around for you to pick one up later if you want it.

Thank god for my squadmate number 7, who through the mist took out the Cobra as it came past within 100m with his strela .
That's lucky.  It's quite rare to get a glimpse of the chopper in the fog.   Sometimes there is a second chopper.

I crawl up, and  place the satchel in the perfected distance that will damage it enough for AI the crew to bail, but not to completely disable it.
The critical moment.  8)

Then comes a Truck and a couple of jeeps
I'm quite proud of those.   They can be a bloody nuisance if you're not careful - that M2 on the back can take out half your squad in 2 seconds - but if you are on the ball they are easy - and fun - meat.

The place we started in was the OLD BASE! (which is of course the main objective - great! , Well that's what I thought at the time that it would make it much easier, little did I know what was coming later however :p )
Ah yes, the old false sense of security.   ;D

and for the lower part of the main hill chose a route what I thought had the least bushes (less likely hood of snipers normally).
Correct.   Although in the open you have more chance of being found by a patrol.   Also there is nowhere to hide if a sniper does spot you.

Id spotted my first sniper. It was the one south of the rock. I took him out with the HK.
Like everybody else, the snipers are on prob of presence so he may or may not be there next time.  

The next 5-10 mins was the most intense OFP experience for a long , long , long time, possibly ever, and that's saying a lot! That moment, which occurs when I forget I was playing a game, acting on pure instinct, and genuine fear are the greatest moments ever!
:)    That's what its all about.    Do you remember "After Montignac" in the original campaign?   When you are lost and alone and trying to get to the extraction point where you are captured?    That mission made my palms wet and my knees shake.   That's the feeling I wanted to recreate here.

and placed a satchel on the barbed wire hoping to blow it on my side! No such luck, I geuss you thought of that.
I did deliberately choose the type of fencing that you can't blow up.   I think that's a mild unfairness in the game in general, but it's hardwired and therefore legitimate for me to use.     Also as you discovered its a red herring - there is no difficulty about getting into the fenced area.

I got worried for a second (it seemed like an eternity) when I got to the flag and there was no option to take it.
There is no action because it's designed so that one of your loons can do it without any hassle.  Also you're not going to go there and not change it.     The delay before things happen is only as long as it takes the trigger to notice you are there, and then there is 3 seconds before the new flag goes up and you get the savegame, but it feels like an eternity.   8)

I could hear the bradleys on their way to the base, so I powered down the hill in the jeep straight towards it
I pleased to hear you felt you were in a rush.     One of the subtleties of designing this mission was to put doubt in the player's mind whether he is supposed to be attacking the Base or defending it.   In fact there was no need for you to rush at all - the Bradleys weren't even going to the base, they're just on a guard waypoint.

so I didn't risk reloading my law and getting shot
Very wise!   How many times have we all been killed that way...

I could hop in the gunners seat of the M1 I partially disabled earlier (aha yes my plan all along. Cunning, at least I thought it was  )
As cunning as a particularly cunning fox who is a Professor of Advanced Cunningosity.

I chose at this time to use the save that u get for approching the base now that I was safely (hehe well sorta) within the tank and had shaved off another abrams.
There is a 50% chance of a third Abrams, in the same group as the second.

But it was the couple times that the sniper hit me from close by in the woods to the north that was getting on my nerves.
Tee-hee, I thought that having the Base covered by hard to spot snipers would annoy somebody.   ;D

Id had a few 20-min breaks after a particularly annoying death - going so well. then blam . One of those times was too get my dinner - a few hours late, but I had to do something to get my adrenaline back down to stealth mode  (those firefights, even silenced on one side, are intense!.).
I know that feeling.   ::)

And also my system needed a reboot (my PC is older than Flashpoint lol ).
I pleased to hear that.   No I don't mean I'm pleased you have an old PC.   ;D   But the earliest manifestations of this version (round about the late 50s) suffered severely from lag and I'm glad that the problem has been solved.

Even though it gave me the choice to finish , me being never one to give up a challenge, chose to take my battered jeep south.
That's the spirit!  I never thought of somebody heading south at this point but there's no reason why you shouldn't.

I wasn't sure about the retry time even though it said updating retry position on completion of main objectives.
There is an automatic retry on completion of the main objectives which you could go back to.   You also get an additional radio savegame once you elect to Continue.

I headed off to the Landing Zone area to see if there was anything interesting. I did a sweep and got out for a foot search but no sign of anybody or anything.
Nope, there is nothing there.   It is the start position for a group of jeep/mgs so it's theoretically possible, if they have been fleeing, to find them there.

flew to the spetz camp. Civvie stayed in the chopper on the road while me and my new spetz buddy got out to deal with anyone who was there.
Again, there is nobody supposed to be there but it is close to the start position of a guard group and you do sometimes find somebody in the area.

so I took an enemy count on the radio. There were still 104 Americans left!!.
You did well - I've never completed it with anything like that number, usually its 30-40.    (Actually I've never completed this version at all.)

Again if you chose to read it I'm sorry its so long (it took quite a while to write it too as you can imagine)
On the contrary, I'm delighted you wrote so much. :thumbsup:

Good thinking about use of the tank when it came at the start and good luck that it was the main base I started at!
You can't win this one without both good thinking and good luck.

I used all the saved that came with the mission that I received, plus I used the one you always get on OFP near the start
I was once concerned that there weren't enough savegames but they have such a huge impact I really didn't want to give any more.   From what you said it seems to be about right - you had 2hrs of gameplay and there are 6 possible savegames so that's one every 20 minutes.

Played Vet mode as requested. Tracers and Third Person view off. Super AI on.
You get no waypoints in Cadet, plus a hint and titletext at the start telling you off.    Tracers I think are fair anyway, and 3rd person/Command view is part of the game.   Super AI makes little difference as everybody is very high skill anyway (though not max).

Ive attached obligitory screenshot score and such like.
8)   Always good to see.  :)

a few tactics from the early posts in the forums
That's not cheating anyway, that's making good use of Intelligence Assets.   ;D

Patience, resileence, and a bit of luck saw me through
And skill.

The endings were very nicely made and a good reward for all the hard work the player has done.
Glad you think so, yours is the first report on the Outro.

and still have enough residual skill to get me by. Just.
Some people struggle to get past the start.   With some luck and persistance the good average player can change the flag but can't get any further.   You have to be a genuinely strong player to get off the Hill.

You've obviously spend a lot of time on this
Several hundred hours over two years.

and although ive not given much back
No pal, you've given plenty back.  :)

that's because I couldn't find anything wrong or glitchy with it!
*smug glow*  :P

(there were a couple of blackops running about on their own , that was maybe supposed to happen)
They were probably the motorcyle patrol after having dismounted.   It's a small group to start with.    Everybody is on probability of presence and its not unusual to find groups of only 3.    Also, once you're well into the mission, you find a lot of small groups:  they are the rallying remnants of a group which has been 3/4 destroyed and has fled.

Its Great work. This sort of thing is that you have done is why Operation Flashpoint is the best game ever made , on any platform , ever! And thanks to people like you, people like me can go into a whole other zone.
It's comments like that that make it all worthwhile, thank you.

Oh by the way. You reference to Ace Rimmer at the civilian meet was a nice touch , that alone made it worthwhile for me. Great! - What a guy!
Lol you're the first person to notice that.

I would greatly appreciate if you could reply to this, even if you've only read the start and end, to confirm you got the email.
I haven't had a message from you other than the post.    Replying to such an excellent beta review is a pleasure.

And also the experiences other people have had , coming from other directions and such like - and also your view on the way I did it and how I started at the base.. lol
Read through the thread, there are some good war stories.   I encourage people to post rather than email me so there isn't really anything I can add.

I think you played it extremely well.     The Base is probably one of the better places to start at, though they are all designed to be reasonably consistent.    Certainly there are no fundamentally "easy" or "hard" ones, it's more a question of geography, plan (where you are going first) and personal taste.   The secret was that Abrams you captured:   it enabled you to mow down the approaching enemy sufficiently fast to trigger the end during a "hole" in the attacks, rather than having to take out another 10 or so groups.    As for going up the Hill, you naturally did the right things:  watch for snipers;  just below the top conduct a reverse slope defence against the groups coming down from the top; and don't take the risk of standing on the summit (there is a sniper you may not have seen who would have shot you).

You have also proved a theory which I've always had:  that speed can win you this mission.    2 hours is very fast and it helped you:  there were plenty of guard groups heading towards the Base from the other side of the Hill when the mission ended.    That's not a flaw, it was designed like that, its just that nobody has done it before.

The alternative approach, which Planck took, is to take it very slowly, slowly catchee monkey.    Clear the road patrols, wander down to the civvies and take out the roadblock, ambush guard groups.    Equally valid of course, it takes longer and you get more kills.   When Planck got to the main end there were only 8 Americans left.

From what you've said it's clear that I have to make it slightly harder to capture that Abrams.

Perhaps in a couple days when I get some sleep etc I can deal the with other hundred Americans that remain! Is there any extra reward for this i.e a separate cutscene, cause if there is I could be tempted to try.
Yes there is.   Not only do you not have to sit through that worthy but dull mission accomplished cutscene again, you also get a modest easter egg for your pains.

Thanks again for all that.   I've sent you an email and I'd love to see the screenies.

If you do see the Outro again I'd be grateful if you'd look at your squad carefully:  it should be the same as when you finished the mission.    This is a new trick in OFP, I don't believe its ever been done before in a Single Mission.    It works for me, but its always nice to have confirmation.
« Last Edit: 17 Sep 2004, 15:49:39 by macguba »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #223 on: 17 Sep 2004, 21:31:15 »
Hi i replied to your email as youve probly noticed :).

i think i forgot to mention this :

If you do see the Outro again I'd be grateful if you'd look at your squad carefully:  it should be the same as when you finished the mission

Yeah i remember it from the first time actually - me the civ dude and the spetz from the otehr squad were all present and correct for the extraxtion - including the correct weapons ( i.e what they had last) so that was pretty nice.

And flashbacks to my comrades dying was particuarly poignant since none of them survived. For mother russia :)

Lol you're the first person to notice that.
Next time i'll try floating down on a crododile from a C130 so i can steal Colonel Blakes's parachute as he tries to escape, then i can drift straight into the flag area. - You know it makes sense!  8)

and 3rd person/Command view is part of the game
True. It is the individuals choice what they do. But i chose not too use it. Not having the ability to  peek over crests or round corners is what maid it so intense and unperdidctable and why the positiong of my men and points was so crucial since i couldnt see anything except what i could see!
For me,  crawling to the flag with 3rd person on would be no fun, cause i wouldnt be shitting my pants from not knowing what was wating for me, or searching the main base for survivers - too easy to see where the enemy is. Setting snap ambushes can be a bitch, but when it works the feelings great.
That intense feeling i was talking about, is just made better that way. [:Cue crazy tank gunner sequence]  
(Although trying to land chinooks in tight spaces can be difficult lol!)
« Last Edit: 17 Sep 2004, 23:38:41 by Sneaker »

Offline Planck

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #224 on: 17 Sep 2004, 22:13:51 »
This is all good stuff...........Slow method or fast method.........we russian-scots lead the world in 'Changing flags on hills heavily defended by american troops'.

By the way.....I did notice the reference to 'Ace Rimmer'......I didn't mention it because I didn't think many of the forum members would know what I was talking about.


« Last Edit: 17 Sep 2004, 22:14:28 by Planck »
I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.