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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 69259 times)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #135 on: 28 Jul 2004, 14:36:52 »
Downloading the version frm Kaliyuga's link. Cudnt download from ur site a few days ago. Anyway sounds like a fun mission.  ;D


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #136 on: 28 Jul 2004, 15:21:24 »
Good luck m8.   ;D

Yes, Kali's link (v0-56) is the only one working at the moment.    I've created four websites so far that have either refused to accept the upload, or refused to accept anybody downloading.  ::)   And that's not counting my original one.   Tears of frustration.

0-58 is nearly ready so 0-57 is going to be consigned to history I think.   The 0-56 -> 0-58 changes are all minor apart from the reduction in lag.
« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 15:25:45 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #137 on: 28 Jul 2004, 15:44:25 »
Good luck m8.   ;D

Yes, Kali's link (v0-56) is the only one working at the moment.    I've created four websites so far that have either refused to accept the upload, or refused to accept anybody downloading.  ::)   And that's not counting my original one.   Tears of frustration.

0-58 is nearly ready so 0-57 is going to be consigned to history I think.   The 0-56 -> 0-58 changes are all minor apart from the reduction in lag.

Well, first, I am lookin forward to 0-58, and second, a friend in OFP i was talkin to earlier said he could host your mission (if people's internet don't agree wit kali's)

Hell, you could put your whole website up there if ya wanted to (lucky b****rd, has unlimited space on dat thing)
If ya want to i can send ya 'is email over PM,



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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #138 on: 28 Jul 2004, 16:56:00 »
Lol  ;D wot a fun but yet frustrating time i had  ;D . Really is difficult but i like it.

I dnt think i can tell u much different frm what the others have said but i'll at least tell u how i did and what i thought.


Lol ;D Luv the pic, great legs  ;D  Yeah this was fine i thought.


Didnt work the first time but tryed it again, took a while to load. It was very good, nice angles. The shots inside and outside the helicopter were lovely, how did u do that? wanna try shots like that myself?
Very good ;D


Lol , luv the music, again how did u add it to the briefing? Anyway seemed like a perfect briefing, HUGE weapon selection, lots of detail. Yeh again very good.


Ok now as soon as i start playin i now this is gonna be solid!! The fog!!! Creates a good atmosphere. Anyway get attacked pretty much straight away, thinking ive dealt with the threat and grenade takes me out  :-[ , i'll never be that confident again :(  :'( .

Anyway started again and i was in a different place, nice. This time i thought i cud get my men on the ural and head off to the civilians. Whilst i was thinking that my squad was obliterated and i was the only one left  :'( .
So i decide to get in the Ural, but it wont drive properly, it wont steer left!!!!!!!! So after crashing into a few trees , i leave the truck and move the hell outta there after come under fire, i cant see anything. I RUN RUN RUN!! into some forest, i keep running and running and lay down. I check my map, where the hell am i!!!!!! I'm totally lost!!!!!!!!

I take a wild run around the forest and move out of the forest, i can hear a jeep somewhere but cant see it. I move forwards and guess wot i see, my words were at the time " for fucks sake", i see the same Ural i hd left before and realise that i have been doing cirlces in that damn forest and have come out where i started!!!!!!  ;D .

I decide fuck it lets go for it. I put my NV goggles on and dash in the trees, i notice three guys standing around. BANG BANG!!! there gone. "Yay im doing well", i thought , BANG BANG!!! BOOOOOOOMMMMM!! I was gone, some guy had sniped me out in the trees.  :'( .

Well i will obviously try this later and try and get further, but so far its frustrating but great fun.

Nice mission



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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #139 on: 28 Jul 2004, 17:54:29 »
I got the flag finally after your hordes of evil yank squads charged the same little ridge a dozen times. I must have stolen about 4 dead ppls rifles and emptied each trying to kill these guys on the ridge cause they kept coming and coming.  :P My squad finally decided it wanted to fight, but they didn't help much being behind me and safe from the enemy... About 95% of the troops on top are wiped out save for a few snipers or lonely squaddies who are alone and wandering and I haven't seen them yet. :P ;D

I liked the little gate thing, I've never seen a big wire fence just "slide" open, but hey lots of strange things happen in this mission.

Promptly shot the dumb cobra down. And it was almost midnight so I decided to wait until the morning to assualt the base. I'll be sure to get the fuel station first.wink wink ;)

And I found some barn with dead east guys but some decent weapons in it. That makes me feel better now that I have a barn full of weapons + all the dead guys weapons.  :)

OFP really is a fantastic game.    If this was real, with a spetz natz squad running around causing havoc, the island would be in an uproar.    You'd get jumpy soldiers firing at each other all over the place, right?    Well that's exactly what happens - I have seen some fantastic blue on blues.  Excellent one recently:  two Bradleys blasted a 5t truck at less than 100m.  The truck loons jumped out and the Brads wasted 'em with cannon shells and machine guns.    They were so busy shooting at their own men that I managed to pop both of them with my LAW before they noticed I was there.  On another occasion the Cobra set about the infantry squad inside the base and kept coming back till they were all dead.  I watched it from the hillside, a smile on my face and an AA launcher on my shoulder.

Wish this would happen to me, maybe the yanks can help me out by killing about 30 of there own. Then I'm in the clear. :D

« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 17:58:21 by GuiltyRoachKillar »


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #140 on: 28 Jul 2004, 17:58:38 »
Us your compass to figure out direction, if you are alone. If you have a group memeber left, ask for his position and you will get a grid square.


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #141 on: 28 Jul 2004, 18:21:22 »
post #139(?), GRK:

it happened to me a lot during the original CWC campaign, not so much for resistance.  I found out that the first scud was blown before I got to it...i was so confused.

i did hear a large explosion followed by a lot of gunfire before then...mebbe this was supposed to happen, but the SCUD shouldn't have blown up...


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #142 on: 28 Jul 2004, 20:26:06 »
this was the most fun one i think I have done, because  I made it up to the flag and back down to the base, without any morphines, saves, or squaddies to help me!!! :P

I was startin to fight down around a place with sandbags and three motorcycles, andthen a Bradley and an Abrahms come rollin up and half my d**n squad gets blasted wit one shell  :-[ poor defence on my part...

Then, I tell the others to engage at will, stop, find cover, and get 4 and 6 to follow me up the hill.  They take care of a sniper while i am trying to keep these greanders of our back.  Two grenaders and one hvy. grenadier (popped a 'nader and the hvy. guy).

I tell 4 to wat for me near some brush behind a tree, and 6 still followin me.  I reach the top, and 6 (forgot to take of engage at will) having the stupid AI judgement he had, started shootin and lobbing grenades wit his M203.  He did actually quite well; took care of a whole squad, and he veen started shooting at that annoying cobra (grr...so annoying)

I run and steal a jeep, open the gate, and run the jeep up the wall. 8) So it is on its' side,I am trying to find a good defence position, and then some bastad wot got a G36 starts shooting at me.  I couldn't find him, but luckly i could leave now that i got the green tick

I bust up to 4x speed, and run past three guys walkin aroun with there glocks out.  I see 6 take out one right next to me, then see 6 go flying off te side of the mountain!  some bloke got a 'nade in the little nitche there, and 6 had no wheres to go.  ::)

Run down the hill, find four splayed out lookin scared o sommat, and see like 8 snipers go running down the hill.  8!  in a pack?  ...hmmm you sure that be realistic?

I decided to take another route...'round the east side until I can see the base. But, of course there is an abrams as well as two bradleys waiting for me there, so I sneak around them, go around to the side that i thought had a hole.  (it did......)  then those patrolling M1A1's and bradleys come back, and start snooping around.  so i make use of a small OFP trick.

change teh speed to 4x, run up against the fence and point me mouse up as far as the guy could go, and eventually the guy ran up and over the fence.  (had to stop there, too many tanks runnin around)

on the other side of the next fence over, I can see three guys sittin around, doin nuttin.  So, I shoot one from one angle, they all turn that way and I run around back 'o dem.  I start moving through the base until I reach a destroyed SCUD, and it seems like a good spot to pick off straglers and patrollers.  I got like 1 or 20 of them before they started shooting back.  I got hit from...behind.  Some stupid sniper up on the hill had had me in his crosshairs the whole time!  I saved before I started picking off people so I could start there again...but wow.  again, I cannot say this enough, fun mission macca!


Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #143 on: 28 Jul 2004, 22:05:39 »
Yes, it's the link to


Yes folks I've finally got it working, I hope.    It's still not pretty I know, but I've got better things to do.    Money changed hands and Tripod have got the deal .... assuming they stick to it.    0-58 is finally up.    0-57 is out of the game.   The big difference from 0-56, the version everybody has been playing, is that there is noticeably less lag.   (Mind you, if you're a 4x lagplaying specialist, that might not be a good thing.  ;D)      I have also incorporated the suggestions that people have made.

Changes from 0-56 to 0-58

Removed/streamlined some triggers
Removed many static objects
Added setViewDistance commands to help with fog and lag
Improved fog removal script
Reduced ECP settings slightly

Moved start position of enemy repair group
Moved waypoint of guard jeep/mg group
Added more hints & tips
Changed morphine from radio to action menu
Fixed Bradley dismount group bug
Added a couple more AA loons
Replaced rocketless Mi17 with damaged Chinook

Rewrote Notes section of Briefing
Improved Overview text

I thought long and hard about the chopper and have decided to go with a new one altogether, rather than have rockets.  (The frustration of no rockets obviously had to be changed.)    The Chinook has crashed near the village and must be repaired before you zoom off:   there is a repair truck there anyway.     You don't get to fly the Chinook very often anyway, so it'll be fun, and probably more robust against AA and Cobras than say a Blackhawk.   The Overview pic is staying the same - I know its not universally popular but its not that bad and frankly I don't have the energy to change it.
« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 23:37:35 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #144 on: 28 Jul 2004, 22:33:16 »
It's very flattering that so many people are playing this and coming back to it, thank you.   I really appreciate the comments and stories, keep 'em coming.     See, I told you beta testing was fun!

AnarCHy, many thanks for the offer, much appreciated.   I seem to have got it sorted for now.

Lol   wot a fun but yet frustrating time i had   . Really is difficult but i like it.
Good, that's exactly the effect I was trying to create.   :)

I dnt think i can tell u much different frm what the others have said but i'll at least tell u how i did and what i thought.
Everybody's view is worthwhile, even if you say exactly the same as has gone before that's still useful because it confirms it.

Luv the pic, great legs    Yeah this was fine i thought.
Lol yes a self portrait ...

The shots inside and outside the helicopter were lovely, how did u do that?
Blanco's logiccam script, grab it from the Editors Depot... I think.   Or dig it out of the .pbo.

Lol , luv the music, again how did u add it to the briefing?
Bloodmixer's sound tutorial and an onBriefingPlan command in the init.sqs.    You have to put the music file in the Sound folder.

HUGE weapon selection
It's all of the BIS weapons, so you can't claim "I could have done it if I'd had XYZ."

Anyway started again and i was in a different place, nice.
If you get down to the civvies they will mark all the starting locations on your map.

So i decide to get in the Ural, but it wont drive properly, it wont steer left!
I checked it out and it was fine - it must have been damaged in the firefight.

I check my map, where the hell am i!!!!!! I'm totally lost!!!!!
Lol good, that's what the fog is for.   :)

i see the same Ural i hd left before and realise that i have been doing cirlces in that d**n forest and have come out where i started!!!

I liked the little gate thing, I've never seen a big wire fence just "slide" open, but hey lots of strange things happen in this mission.
That little script was more trouble than it looks, or was worth.   ;D   Strange things we like.   ;)

And I found some barn with dead east guys but some decent weapons in it. That makes me feel better now that I have a barn full of weapons + all the dead guys weapons.  
The barn is an execution site, there are dead spetz natz outside and their weapons are in the crate.   The idea was to provide a rearming point for players using Soviet weapons (if you have American weapons you can use bodies) but actually the barn gives you a kind of refuge.      Its the kind of thing that some players will make good use of in an original way.

If you have a group memeber left, ask for his position and you will get a grid square.  
A handy tip, and one that I wish - for this mission at least - was not there.   Then you would have to navigate.   In fact the position of the loon will be marked on the map in green, even in Veteran mode.   It shows you where he is more accurately than just a grid square.

this was the most fun one i think I have done, because  I made it up to the flag and back down to the base, without any morphines, saves, or squaddies to help me!!!
Bloody hell that's amazing!   I've never got close to that.   Shows you the virtue of moving fast in the fog.

I was startin to fight down around a place with sandbags and three motorcycles,
The sandbags enclose an ammo dump.

8 snipers go running down the hill.  8!  in a pack?  ...hmmm you sure that be realistic?
I'll need to look into that.   The snipers hidden around the top of the hill are grouped so they can share information but they are supposed to stay where they are.

change teh speed to 4x, run up against the fence and point me mouse up as far as the guy could go, and eventually the guy ran up and over the fence.
Have to look into that too, and see if I can put a stop to it.   ;D

I got hit from...behind.  Some stupid sniper up on the hill had had me in his crosshairs the whole time!  
Yup!   It's not called the Un-Impossible Mission for nothing you know...

but wow.  again, I cannot say this enough, fun mission macca!

Grab the latest version 0-58 from here.   See last post for details.

« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 22:37:14 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #145 on: 29 Jul 2004, 01:20:26 »
I've downloaded the latest mission macguba, unfortunately it reports a missing addon: KEGmakarov.

I have been playing the previous version 0-56, I will just continue with that meantime.....will report on my progress another time as it is getting late.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #146 on: 29 Jul 2004, 10:13:08 »
WTF?   Checking now ....

Yes you're right.     I have no idea how that got in there.   New version on the way but I've got to get some breakfast first.

Edit:  Frankly I still don't understand quite what happened, I removed that problem, then got the dreaded missions bis_weaponpack for some reason ... then I found something else that was wrong....

Anyway, 0-59 is up (in very small writing for some reason) and fixes that addon error.   No doubt it has introduced a new one ....
« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2004, 11:14:34 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #147 on: 29 Jul 2004, 16:05:50 »
Hello again

Still cracking on with this mission, i luv the openess of it.

Anyway just got one question, i de-PBO ur mission and looked at ur sounds and music etc. I played the briefing music and was only about 30 seconds or so. How did u get it so short, i think the real version wud go on for a few minutes? did u edit it to make it shorter? if so how did u cut it down? cos that wud be useless for me wen i add custom music.



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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #148 on: 29 Jul 2004, 16:19:58 »
Yes, I did cut it down.    I used a program called Goldwave free from the web.    I don't really know how to use it but I managed to chop off the end and then I found a button called "fade out" which did the trick.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #149 on: 29 Jul 2004, 18:56:23 »
Re: Post #95 above.

I did not get far with my testing.  I am away on an annual familly holiday at the moment and will be testing this mission when I get home in a couple of weeks.  Just found this internet cafe in Destin where we are on holiday

One thing that puts me off some of the beta test missions is the large number of addons that are needed.