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Author Topic: ah64D Longbow  (Read 1084 times)

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  • Guest
ah64D Longbow
« on: 17 Jul 2003, 17:30:29 »
can you change somting in this cofig so I have the optics (for the pilot) from above the rotor

// some basic defines
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
   class AshAH64A
      units[] = {AshAH64A};
      weapons[] = {};
      requiredVersion = 1.20;
   class M230
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {M230};
      requiredVersion = 1.20;
   class Hydra70  
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {Hydra70};
      requiredVersion = 1.20;

class CfgAmmo
   class Default {};
   class AT3: Default {};
   class Hellfire: AT3 {};
   class HellfireApach : Hellfire {};
   class AGM114K : HellfireApach
      model = \Apac\hellfire;
   class BulletSingle: Default {};
   class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};
   class Bullet30: ExplosiveBullet {};
   class M230Bullet: Bullet30

class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class LAWLauncher: Default {};
   class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {};
   class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {};
   class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {};
   class HellfireLauncherApach : HellfireLauncher {};
   class AGM114K : HellfireLauncherApach
      displayName="AGM-144 hellfire";
      displayNameMagazine=AGM-144 hellfireAmmo;
      shortNameMagazine=AGM-144 hellfireAmmo;
   class MGun: Default {};
   class MachineGun7_6: MGun {};
   class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {};
   class M230: MachineGun30
   displayName="M230 33mm chaingun";
   sound[]={"\ash ah64a\chain_cannon.wav",3.162278,1};
   aiRateOfFire=0; // delay between shots at given distance
   aiRateOfFireDistance=0; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero
   class ZuniLauncher38: AT3Launcher {};
   class Hydra70: ZuniLauncher38
   displayName="M261 19 tube rckt louncher";
   displayNameMagazine="$STR_DN_M261 tube rkt";
   shortNameMagazine="$STR_DN_M261 tube rkt";
   aiRateOfFire=0; // delay between shots at given distance
   aiRateOfFireDistance=0; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero

class CfgVehicles
   class All {};
   class AllVehicles: All {};
   class Air: AllVehicles {};
   class Helicopter: Air {};
   class AH64: Helicopter {};
   class AshAH64D: AH64
      crew = SoldierWPilot;
      displayName="AH-64D longbow";
      nameSound="chopper";   // ???????
      driverAction = ManActAH64Pilot;
      gunnerAction = ManActAH64Gunner;
                maxSpeed = 365;
                class ViewOptics
         initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=30;
         initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-360; maxAngleY=360;
         initFov=0.1; minFov=0.03; maxFov=1.2;


      rotorBig = vrtule_velka;
      rotorBigBlend = vrtule_velka_bl_;
      rotorSmall = vrtule_mala;
      rotorSmallBlend = vrtule_mala_bl;
      weapons[]={M230, AGM114K,Hydra70,LaserDesignatorOH,STINGERLauncher};
      magazines[]={M230, AGM114K,Hydra70,LaserDesignatorOH,STINGERLauncher};

      //threat[] VSoft, VArmor, VAir
      threat[]={0.3, 1, 0.8};

         \apac\apach_in_skla.paa, \apac\apach_in_sklaC.paa
         \apac\apach_in_skla.paa, \apac\apach_in_sklaC.paa

                class Turret
         gunAxis = "OsaHlavne";
         turretAxis = "OsaVeze";

         gunBeg = "usti hlavne";
         gunEnd = "konec hlavne";
         minElev=-60; maxElev=+11;
         minTurn=-86; maxTurn=+86;

         body = "OtocVez";
         gun = "OtocHlaven";

      class IndicatorAltRadar
         // max for this indicator is 1000 feet (i.e. 304m)
         // note: this is actualy Baro altitude (name is wrong)
         selection = "alt";
         axis = "osa_alt";
         angle = -360;
         min = 0;
         max = 304;
      class IndicatorAltBaro
         // max for this indicator is 200 feet (i.e. 61m)
         // note: this is actualy Radar altitude (name is wrong)
         selection = "nm_alt";
         axis = "osa_nm_alt";
         angle = -180;
         min = 0;
         max = 61;
      class IndicatorSpeed
         selection = "mph";
         axis = "osa_mph";
         angle = -320;
         min = 0;
         max = 125;
      class IndicatorVertSpeed
         selection = "vert_speed";
         axis = "osa_vert_speed";
         angle = -300;
         min = -30;
         max = 30;
      class IndicatorRPM
         selection = "rpm";
         axis = "osa_rpm";
         angle = -320;
         min = 0;
         max = 12;
      class IndicatorCompass2
         selection = "kompas2";
         axis = "osa_kompas2";
         angle = -360;
         min = -3.1415926536;
         max = 3.1415926536;

class CfgNonAIVehicles
   class ProxyCrew {};
   class ProxyDriver: ProxyCrew {};
   class Proxyah64pilot: ProxyDriver {};
   class ProxyGunner: ProxyCrew {};
   class Proxyah64gunner: ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyHellfire_proxy : ProxyWeapon {model = \Apac\hellfire_proxy; simulation = "maverickweapon";}

#define SPEED_STATIC 1e10

class CfgVehicleActions
   ah64pilot = "ah64pilot";
   ah64gunner = "ah64gunner";

class CfgMovesMC
   class Default {};
   class DefaultDie: Default {};

   class States
      class Driver: Default {};

      #define VEH_DIE_CONN(Name,anim,time) \
         class Name##Dying: DefaultDie \
         { \
            actions = NoActions; \
            file=anim##smrt.rtm; \
            speed=-time; \
            looped=false; \
            soundEnabled=false; \
            connectFrom[]={Name,1}; \
         }; \
         class Name##Dead: Name##Dying \
         { \
            actions = DeadActions; \
            file=anim##smrt2.rtm; \
            speed=SPEED_STATIC; \
            terminal = true; \
            connectFrom[]={Name##Dying,1}; \
            connectTo[]={DeadState,1}; \
      #define VEHIN_MOVES_VAR(Name,anim,vartime) \
         class Name: Driver \
         { \
            file=anim##stat.rtm; \
            speed=SPEED_STATIC; \
            looped=true; \
            variantsAI[]= {Name##V1,0.7,Name};\
            equivalentTo=Name; \
            interpolationSpeed=1; \
            connectTo[]={Name##Dying,1}; \
         } \
         class Name##V1: Name \
         { \
            file=anim.rtm; \
            speed=-vartime; \
            looped=true; \
      #define VEH_MOVES_VAR(Name,anim,time,vartime) \
         VEHIN_MOVES_VAR(Name,anim,vartime); \

      VEH_MOVES_VAR(ah64Pilot, \apac\ah64pilot, 1, 4);
      VEH_MOVES_VAR(ah64Gunner, \apac\ah64gunner, 1, 4);


  • Guest
Re:ah64D Longbow
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jul 2003, 21:08:25 »
It doesn't work; you cannot have optics from above the rotor. The only way you can do it is by making a fake turret to the rotor (like on BAS's Kiowa) that handles & moves the optics model, but then you cannot have a moveable cannon (like you need on the Apache).

So I'm afraid there's no way to do what you want. Sorry :(

Cpt. FrostBite

  • Guest
Re:ah64D Longbow
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jul 2003, 21:29:52 »
to add something to this; the longbow has no "optics" above the rotor; the disk is a RADAR only!! It's not a camera mount like on the kiowa. That should solve your problem (although not the way you hoped it would)


  • Guest
Re:ah64D Longbow
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jul 2003, 03:21:05 »
Hes right, I just saw something on TV about it ::)

But someone should make an apache longbow with 16 hellfires, gives you more tank killing ability  ;D

Cpt. FrostBite

  • Guest
Re:ah64D Longbow
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jul 2003, 09:00:15 »
Someone should make an entire AH-64D lonbow pack with diffirent load-outs