i tested it b4 u, nope doesn't work.
I must be a bit confused last night, cos I forgot the delay...
OK, new try...
_c = 0
_cam camsettarget plane
_cam camsetrelpos [0,50,50]
_cam camcommit 0.0001
_c = _c + 0.0001
?(_c > 0.002) : goto "stopcam"
goto "loop"
_cam camsettarget... and so on...
stopcam = false
[] exec "counter.sqs"
_cam camsettarget plane
_cam camsetrelpos [0,50,50]
_cam camcommit 0
?stopcam: goto "endit"
goto "loop"
_cam camsettarget ...blablabla
run another counterscript within your camscript
_c = 0
?(_c == 20) : Stopcam = true
goto "loop"
Run the counterscript b4 the loop in the camscript, not in it!
When _c reach 20: stopcam = true and your loop stops in your camscript. In that way you can keep your camcommit 0
that makes it smoooth...
Sorry for the bad English, hope it helps.