Yes!! Good idea, not just lions and cows but also Somalians, Then it would complete the animal set in OFP!!! (LOL ;D ;D ;D)
Damn, now I feel sorry for the cow who got blown apart in Mogadishu, :'( :'(
But it would be cool if Soldier had their arms and legs come off, ( They say it isnt practical because u are stuck if u lose a leg and arms, But u could bleed to death after say 5 minutes, Even a medic couldnt help u ) Picture the fact, that u are on a high mountain, and u see an East UAZ driving trough a deserted area, U decide to shoot his tires untill his car comes to a complete stop, The soldier has got no choice but to get out and run towards safety, ( Seeing as there is still a sniper who could blow his brains out in the vehicle,
) While u look through your snipe rifle, U see a lion running after him, which catches on too him, U can see his arms and legs, and maybe even his head fly in the air,
Imagine the coolness of that,
I would just cry of such fantastic gameplay if they put it in, ;D
, And for the people who don't like animals, U could turn the option off,