Player hasWeapon "weaponName"
as condition.
Just remember that THIS kind of trigger would fire as soon as you have the gun,
so it won't help to put it in yer pocket
Ok, this is just a suggestion. Why not make one script that gives the player the gun and a second that takes away the gun. And then execute them in two different actions...
So it would be:
Player AddMagazine "IngramMag"
Player AddMagazine "IngramMag"
Player AddMagazine "IngramMag"
Player AddMagazine "IngramMag"
Player AddWeapon "Ingram"
The above in one script and:
RemoveAllWeapons Player
that in another one...
And the syntax fo addaction was:
ID = Player addAction ["draw weapon","script.sqs"]
Where ID is the id for the action (u can name it anything u want) that enables the scripter to remove the action once its been executed:
Player removeAction ID
And the "draw weapon" is the text that is displayed in the action menu.
And finally "script.sqs" is the name of the script.
This could work, the only thing that would need to be resolved is that when the first script that adds the weapon also adds those mags every time u exec. it... meaning that it's inpossible for the player to get out of ammo, and thats just not realistic... any solutions anyone?