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Author Topic: Addon Problems  (Read 699 times)

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Addon Problems
« on: 17 Jun 2003, 20:32:37 »
hi peeps

i was just wondering if anyone could help me out, i love all the ofp missions you guys have done but i cant get half of them to run properly.

i am running ofp Resistance 1.91

i have downloaded a ton of addons and when i start ofp i get an error

"no entry 'config.bin/cfgweapons.up_ppsha' "

also keep on getting an error saying that 88.pbo and editor upgrade 102 can not be found when i try to start some missions, but i have got them and they are in my ofp/res/addons folder.

would be gratefull if anyones got any ideas on either prob


stephen ???


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Re:Addon Problems
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jun 2003, 12:24:37 »
Hey Stephen!

If I were in your position I'd do one of three things:

1.  Contact the Author of the mission using the info in the readme.

2.  The forums at www.flashpoint1985.com might be able to help better if it's not a problem with the mission or the addons, but the game.   :o

3.  Try using less addons and see if you don't get the error anymore... If that works go to http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/ and search for "mod folders" and you'll be able to organize your addons!

Hope that helps!   :beat:



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Re:Addon Problems
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jun 2003, 20:28:54 »
thanks mate, i will give it a go.


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Re:Addon Problems
« Reply #3 on: 25 Jun 2003, 06:27:12 »
I believe up_ppsha is a weapon from Upminder's converted MOH:AA weapons pack. Make sure you have it installed.

I've heard of problems with the 88.pbo before. It is possible there may be a conflict with one of your other WWII addons.

Try putting 88.pbo and Editor Upgrade 102 in the OFP Addons Folder instead of the RES Addons Folder.

Hope some of this helps.