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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 75456 times)

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Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #60 on: 15 Jan 2004, 00:25:02 »
Right, time for an update.    

Firstly, thanks to everybody who's tried this.   Love the stories and the suggestions. :thumbsup:

Secondly, I completed a new version just before Christmas.  I didn't post it because there were still things I wanted to change.   However, I'll post it tomorrow as is:  it won't include any suggestions from the recent posts, but hopefully I'll get some time over the next week or so to make the real new version.

Thirdly, it's clearly still too easy.   Making it harder does not present a problem.   I am particularly keen to hear suggestions on how to make it more difficult without just adding loads of extra enemies.  The current version is probably slightly easier than the previous one.

For the avoidance of doubt, when this sucker is done I be very flattered if somebody converted it to FDF mod or anything else.     Also, this mission might be suitable for co-op in MP:    I don't know anything about MP so I can't do the conversion, but there is very little scripting so it shouldn't be too hard.    If anybody wants to do a conversion, get in touch.

Specific points that people raised:

- Morphine was for just for beta testing.   The final version will have one shot only.

- Weak camera, says Armsty.   Guilty as a weasel in a hen house, says I.    The Overview and Briefing seem ok to me, what did you think was wrong with them?   Bad luck on the matrix swallowing your original writeup though, I hate it when that happens.

- The standard Ural ammo truck does not resupply the chopper by default.    The chopper is just for transport, it can't have any ammo because then it would make hacking the tanks too easy, which would mean more tanks, which would mean it would be too hard without the chopper ... which is no good.

- Yes, the snipers are not there to stop you getting up the mountain so much as to stop you getting down again.  ;D    

- LAWs at the base.   There are ammo crates there and hopefully some dead LAW loons around.   There are lots of ammo crates elsewhere, so if you have to go and get some, you have to go and get some.

- Score/Time debate.    If anything, it's score.    One of the premises for this whole thing was that time was not going to be an issue.   If the mission designer is allowed to impose a time constraint then it's too easy for him to create an unpossible mission.

- Number of enemies at the start.   This was too variable (occasionally I got none) and the new version smoothes things out a little.

- Ending trigger.   It's just a standard playerandsquadpresentbuttheenemyisnot which presumably leads to the hunt for the last hiding loon.   I thought I'd added a fleeing command but I'll check.

- Chopper intel.   You can in fact entirely ignore the choppers.  I once found the crew of one disembarked and guarding the base:  I think they must have run out of fuel and landed somewhere.    How many AA missiles you take or don't take is not that big a deal.   There are several AA loons here and there for you to drop, particularly near the flagpole.

- GPS.   I really wish you could disable the "F2 where am I?" thing.   Navigation in fog was supposed to be one of the things that made it hard.   If you want to use your buddies to navigate for you, well you'd better keep them alive.

- LCD, of course you're my hero.   :P

- The insertion point marker is just that, only a marker.   There is nothing else there.    The new Briefing text includes a hint that you don't start there.     Anyway, this mission does not strive for realism - you are supposed to retry the start several times, why do you think there are so many start locations?

- Only Vet mode is acceptable.   I have put waypoints in for the Cadets, but there is a hint at the start saying play it in Vet.

Oh, and for the record, my only successful proper completed attempt:-

74 kills + 2 Bradleys for 20,060 points
3hs 44 mins (but I was exploring as well)
No morphine
Killed twice

Thanks again everybody!
« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2004, 14:35:02 by macguba »
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Offline .pablo.

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #61 on: 15 Jan 2004, 01:26:37 »
i was bored, so i made some calculations to make the beta testers' scores a little more comparable:

Armstrong's score: 333.33
LCD's score: 257.93
Kaliguya's score: 93.82
macguba's score: 89.55

each score is the average amount of points the player earned for every minute that passed in the game.  i couldn't get armstrong's pics to work so i just worked off the info he posted (16k points/48 mins).

i think it would be a cool little thing to have in the mission to be able to check your "score" via the radio (and its easy to do):
(time/60) / rating player

idk if that would ruin any atmosphere you were hoping to establish though, and it also doesn't take into account how many times the player died, morphine used, or "stars" earned (i never learned what they meant :P)

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #62 on: 15 Jan 2004, 07:59:59 »
Wooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! And with such differency. 8) :P ::) ;D

@ Macca: about briefing: Can't remember exactly what it was that made me think the briefing was weak. I have to read it again or something. However, I am one of those types who will gladly spend more time reading the briefing than completing the mission.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #63 on: 15 Jan 2004, 12:54:29 »
That was a mistake .pablo, Armsty's NEVER going to let us hear the end of this.   ;D ;D ;D

Armsty, yes in that sense you are right about the Briefing:   it is not a great long fancy one.    However, since this is not a particularly realistic mission, there is no virtue in having a big background spiel.
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Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #64 on: 15 Jan 2004, 14:18:00 »
OK, the new version (0-51) is going up now.    This is the one that was created just before Christmas.    There is a future version already in progress:   I'm hoping to release it next week but I've got to make it harder first.   Get the current one from:-

macguba's operation flashpoint page

Or right click on the link below and Save Target As:-


Change list from 0-50 to 0-51

(The new difficulty level is slightly easier.)

Making it better
Tarted up the Old Base and eastern base a little
Found and fixed a couple of minor bugs
Slightly improved the cutscene
Added waypoints for Cadet mode
Slightly improved the position and setting of the flagpole
Rationalised patrols around base of The Hill
Added fleeing trigger to help the mission end
Adjusted probabilities for enemy attack groups at player start positions.*

*Previously, a typical start position was faced with three attack groups each with a probability of presence of 70%.  This meant that the chance of all three appearing was 34% and the chance of none appearing was 2.7%.   The typical figures have been changed to 90%, 60% and 60% which reduces the all or none chances to 32% and 1.6% respectively.   In other words the standard distribution of numbers of attackers has been reduced.  This makes the game a little fairer and more consistent.

Making it easier
Added dead Spetz Natz camp with Soviet weapon ammo
Added execution site (ditto)
Added transport and field hospitals to empty bases
Added second field hospital to the Old Base
Added two UAZGs (FIA ambulances)
Added boat near civilan village
Added more hints and tips
Reduced a few enemy probabilities
Area of end fog trigger reduced
Added an extra savegame available after about 15-20 minutes

Making it harder
Added West repair vehicles
Added one foot patrol
Added one motorcycle patrol
Added snipers to guard towers at hilltop
Revised and improved sniper placement
Added one (75% prob) sneakily placed loon

« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2004, 14:25:05 by macguba »
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Offline dmakatra

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #65 on: 15 Jan 2004, 18:14:53 »
Oh maen, do I have to complete it again to keep my title? I haven't got time, I have to define every friggn house on Nogova! :-\

Just a Q though, I haven't tested it:

If you don't take the flag and go straight to the end, what will happen then? Will you complete it?

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #66 on: 15 Jan 2004, 19:13:20 »
No, you don't have to play this version ... it's not going to feel that different.   Wait for the next one, which will be much harder.  8)

Heading straight for the base is actually not a bad tactic:  it breaks up the resistance there into two chunks - before and after you change the flag.  However you must change the flag - the end trigger is

- flag changed
- player and whole group inside the base
- no enemies within about 100m (I think) of the base
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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #67 on: 16 Jan 2004, 18:57:16 »
Sounds like fun, I'll give it a go! Plus I'll be wanting someone to test out my nearly finished mission soon (my first one, aw bless).

Ade  :D

Offline LCD

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #68 on: 17 Jan 2004, 16:48:48 »
- player and whole group inside the base

so dats ewas prooly ma prob ::) i was way ahead of em ;D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #69 on: 21 Jan 2004, 01:27:51 »

Glad to hear you're going to make this an official mission - it's far too good to be just an exercise.  Great atmosphere, with the enemy emerging from the fog - I thought taking the scoped G36 would help but with visibility down to 50m, may as well have stuck with my (t)rusty AK!

I got bounced by an Abrams at the start of the mission but I sent an RPG soldier after it and he destroyed it before it fired on my squad - haven't seen a vehicle since.

Since then my plan has been to head north of the start point using the trees as cover as much as possible, then splitting my squad and approaching the hilltop from the Northwest and Southwest (I keep getting killed here.  Darn, I'm a lame player).

All the way north, I could hear a helicopter in the distance, this made me nervous everytime I reached open ground.

Overall, this is an action packed mission with ambushes galore and a great atmosphere of suspense - the simple objective makes it more open ended than a lot of more elaborate missions and also gives it good replay value, which I don't think mission designers always consider.  Can't wait for the next version... ;D


Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #70 on: 21 Jan 2004, 02:40:47 »
Thanks Ade.   You could replay this mission over 100,000 times and it would never be identical.    Well ok that was about three versions ago and it's assuming my maths holds together.

If anybody does play this mission over 100,000 times, I very, very definitely do not want hear from either them or their psychiatrist.   ::)

And you're not a lame player - this mission is difficult, you are supposed to get killed a lot.  There are some vehicles, but not many.    Well done on slotting that Abrams so quickly.    Your plan is as good (or bad) as any: in general there is no preferred route up the Hill.    

I confess I'm struggling a bit with the next version:   making it genuinely impossible is of course trivial, requiring no more than three minutes work.    Making it even harder, but still possible, is much more difficult.

I'm thinking about changing the name:  votes please everybody.    (Result is not binding on the author!)

Impossible            Mission

Unpossible                 "

Un-Impossible            "

Possible                      "

Other suggestions welcome.

oooooh oooh oooooooooooh I just had an idea to make it harder.      ;D ;D ;D

LCD,  if I ever have to go into combat I want you to be anybody but my squad leader.  ;D
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Offline LCD

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #71 on: 21 Jan 2004, 05:49:00 »
lol heres ma one :O


make it harder ;)

if I ever have to go into combat I want you to be anybody but my squad leader

i aint like dat wen workin w/ real ppl (i just keep da AI behind cuz i dont like 2 get less points cuz dey get shot) :P my n ma friends go 2 paintball nd we actualy do prety good ;) (learned som tactics from OFP ;D ;))


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Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #72 on: 21 Jan 2004, 13:57:25 »
 ;)   It's gonna be harder.
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Offline dmakatra

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #73 on: 21 Jan 2004, 19:55:26 »
How 'bout:

Macgubas roaster-you-upper-hard-as-eatin-a-McDonalds-burger-without-throwing-up-kick-ass mission

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #74 on: 02 Feb 2004, 16:15:03 »
I did it. After 2 h 44 min. with score 16620.
Many times of "Shift" "-" savegame.

It is really a fantastic game.