As long as they release it with a clear, spotless readme/tutorial, I dont see why not ?
I really hate it how engineers do stuff for themselves, hell i'm no hacker or a very intense person regarding programming, but i'do know what kinda islands/addons/guns/and mods people want to see and use.
Its a shame to let others miss out products of another ones creative mind, just becos that person hasn't the technichal know-how-skills, the 'engineers degree' to use a tool like O2.
As i write this reply, i'm almost done downloading those wredit tutorials, since im still pretty lost with it. Not enough, my 700mhz cpu with 300 ram doesnt seem too wrpedit-friendly either.
Question: What kinda hardware is required to run wrpedit 'smoothly'? (checks his wallet-[*sighs*]-) :'(
Havent seen O2 in action yet, but guess it shouldnt be too demanding on my pc, its only wireframes right?
- hey' im not the one whos about to build a boieng747
So far OFP is still the greatest game around, just becos of its huge editing opportunities, hope BIS wont turn its back on us with any ''O2 for special people only'' - release....