As long as we don't have an action menu for EVERYTHING! i hate it when it reads something like
Take off helmet
remove goggles
take off helmet and remove goggles
brush hair
scratch ass
call mum when i get home or she'll go mad
darn new pair of socks
break fathers horse in
reload M16
M16 on back
too late, your never gonna get this far, your dead!
I can't think off a way around it but there definitly has to be one! Like a script that activates the Goggles to come down when you get in a vehicle and then go up about 15 seconds after you leave it? And why have a removable helmet? i'd prefer to have a seperate model with less armour values whos just in shorts and t-shirt to be hounest...eye candy is good but i want practicality too, as do a lot of people. But its looking not too bad so far!