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Author Topic: CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion  (Read 6585 times)

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Offline Messiah

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #15 on: 04 Jun 2003, 00:50:53 »

*stares at Jonno*

i just make the mission guv  ;)
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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #16 on: 04 Jun 2003, 01:06:14 »
so this is like artillary you can acurately enough, fire at positions within its range, but out of visual sight?

like real artillery basicaly?

yes i wonder this also

Offline Dinger

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #17 on: 04 Jun 2003, 03:21:46 »
hehe. Grind_and_click -- you suffer from split personalities?

The answer to your question is:
Well, take a look at the preview.  It shows firing shells 8500 m across the map and hitting with pinpoint precision.  OFP's maximum visual range is 5000m.

So, in a word:



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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #18 on: 04 Jun 2003, 03:42:08 »
Messy, check your IMs, purple monkey dishwasher  ;)

ROFLMAO...that was one of the best Simpsons gags ever. Very funny DeLitt.

Thanks for the reply.

Quick question. You mentioned in the official forums that the scripts were designed for use with radios. As you may know, certain BAS Rangers and Deltas carry a radio as a "weapon".  Although these weapons do nothing they were intended for mission designers to program them to allow only units carrying radios to perform certain actions (call for CSAR for example)

Would it be possible using your scripts to enforce a rule that only the player carrying a "weapon" radio could access the artillery firing task?

Offline Dinger

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #19 on: 04 Jun 2003, 04:58:06 »
Hmm, alright, well first  let me premise this by saying:
Everything I'm about to say is how the system currently works.  The system as released may be simpler, more complex, entirely different or much the same.

Five  design requirements dictated the radio comms system:

A) It must be simple
B) It must require zero scripting or description.ext input by the mission designer
C) It must work in MP
D) It must be modular and separable from the function of the firing units.
E) The interface has to be specifiable in a series of .sqf files, so later addons can "plug into" the CoC_Arty.pbo without necessitating a new release of the pbo.  In other words, if two weeks later, we (or someone else) decide to release an M224 60mm mortar or a cruise missile launcher, or a nuclear mine,  the interface has to be able to handle it.

As a result:
1) you can see we're using action menus/hint displays.  I wanted to do dialogs but that ran against B).  In any case, the dialogs have to be completely asset-specific, and while I can handle the metavariable-fu to do that, I don't have the experience with dialogs.

2) Currently, only human players can use the radio interface.  AI can of course control the assets, but that would require some scripting, and it's probably better to do so ont he mission level.  This could be as easy as the following example:
let's say I've got a platoon of M109s on the map.  By the order of registration (determined in each mission), these M109s count as the third asset overall (so Asset index number 2).  

I want to have a trigger that, when the player sets it off, we order the platoon to fire at the first object in the trigger's activation field.  Now, assuming nobody has control over the asset (if someone did, this list would be a little longer to get all the settings back to default),
The "On activation" field would be:
CoCIFAsset2t0 setpos getpos (thislist select 0);
-- this sets the first aimpoint to the first object in the field --
CoCIFAsset2t = 1;
--tells our platoon that this mission will have 1 aimpoint--
CoCIFAsset2o = 0;
--Call For Fire--
(n.b., I will probably change the variable stems to CoC_IFA and CoC_IFU)

When the trigger is fired, the paladins would line up, and within about 2 minutes send off their fire mission.

3) our main system right now is a "radio system", where the mission designer places objects labeled radios in the map, and these objects have init EHs that interface with UA to addactions.  The advantage is that, again, no scripting is required.

We also have a "ForwardObserver" guy -- just a regular soldierWB, but with some EHs that give him the actions he needs.

In other words, you can add the "radio menu" to any player you like with a simple addaction.

If you wanted to have it based on the ownership or not of those cool "Weaponized" radios that BAS and SEB use, well that's not in my control.  You could easily script it in an individual mission:

   A) on each client, poll every five seconds or so to see if the player has a radio.  When the player has a radio, add the action to bring up the menu (currently: player addaction ["IF Radio", "\CoC_Arty\scripts\OpenMenu.sqs"])
   B) once the player has a radio, poll to see if the player drops the radio. When that happens, run the script to shut down comms (currently [] exec "\CoC_Arty\scripts\end.sqs", but I'll probably change it to EndMenu or something).

Now, if you guys wanted to make it so that, say, all units in your BAS soldiers class automatically did this, all you'd need in addition would be:

C) An init EH that looked like this:
init = "if ((_this select 0) == player) then {[] exec ""\myaddon\radiomon.sqs""}"
where radiomon.sqs is:
?CoC_IFRunning == CoCIF_Running then goto "Green"

?player hasweapon "MyRadioName":player addaction ["IF Radio", "\CoC_Arty\scripts\OpenMenu.sqs"]; goto "HasRadioLoop"
goto "NoRadioLoop"

?!(player hasweapon "MyRadioName":[] exec "\CoC_Arty\scripts\End.sqs"; goto "NoRadioLoop"
goto "HasRadioLoop"

simple, huh?

actually, maybe I better just slop something like that into the script library. :)

Oh, the plan is for things like CSAR to plug into the system.  at least, I think they can ;)
hmmm.... maybe I better throw in a couple extra lines just to make sure :)



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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #20 on: 04 Jun 2003, 07:59:35 »
Thanks for the detailed reply Dinger...can't wait to see this in action for myself.

How are you handling sound effects? Does each round have a sound effect?

Offline Messiah

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #21 on: 04 Jun 2003, 11:03:46 »

Quick question. You mentioned in the official forums that the scripts were designed for use with radios. As you may know, certain BAS Rangers and Deltas carry a radio as a "weapon".  Although these weapons do nothing they were intended for mission designers to program them to allow only units carrying radios to perform certain actions (call for CSAR for example)

Would it be possible using your scripts to enforce a rule that only the player carrying a "weapon" radio could access the artillery firing task?

i'm still not sure how to make that work anyways  :-\
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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #22 on: 04 Jun 2003, 15:32:21 »
bn880 cooked up some sound effects for the M109
jostapo's got the MLRS SFX.
M252 currently is using stock OFP sounds
The doppler effects sound okay, but supersonic shells just don't sound right in OFP.  You can tell the difference between high- and low-angle fire and whether a round is going to hit you, go long or go short.

The radio chatter is generic stuff (the non-debug-looking stuff in caps in the screenshots are sideradio messages, not sidechats), since my understanding of sideradio is that you can't combine radio messages on the same line (in other words, you can't string together say Hotel-Echo-Three-Two, and still be a sideradio).  If I'm wrong about that, let me know.


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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #23 on: 06 Jun 2003, 06:04:12 »
hehe. Grind_and_click -- you suffer from split personalities?

The answer to your question is:
Well, take a look at the preview.  It shows firing shells 8500 m across the map and hitting with pinpoint precision.  OFP's maximum visual range is 5000m.

So, in a word:


aahhhhhh nniiiiiccceeeeev =D what do you think Grind?

yeah i think thats amazing totaly
but artillery shouldent always hit with presicion to be honest
by the way, you got somthing on your chin Grind....kinda...a little more....yeah there

thanks dude


Offline Dinger

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #24 on: 06 Jun 2003, 18:36:23 »
Well, yes, precision, as my friend Harry would say, is said in many ways:

A) There is the precision of our simulation targeting routines.  That is, when we fire a shell in OFP, this is the difference between where the computer tells us the shell will land and where it actually hits.  This is what I was referring to when I mentioned "pinpoint precision".  And actually, if you look at the screenshots, right now it's more like "living-room precision".  We want this to be as precise as possible (and we're working to reduce this)

B) There is Precision Error -- which is the variance between rounds fired at the same spot ("dispersion" to those of you who like automatic weapons).

C) There is Bias Error -- which is the difference between the center of the pattern and the aimpoint , in other words, the variance of all rounds fired at the same spot, from the spot itself.  This is why you have to adjust fire.

Now, obviously, we can hide some of A) in C), but the more of this that we can control directly, the better. (it also allows for better user control/tweaking of this figures -- just set say CoCM109BER to whatever you like, and you're good).


Offline Dinger

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #25 on: 24 Oct 2003, 16:25:13 »
Wow, it's been a while.

* Readme COC_UnifiedArtillery          *
This is the Chain of Command Unified Artillery v. 1.0 (Battle Kings).

After installing files, users should play the mission "UA Introduction", as this explains a lot about how UA works, and includes a voice-over tutorial.
UA Introduction (CoC_uaintro) also has an intro cutscene. Proper preparation is necessary. Before viewing the cutscene, ensure that the volume is set as loud as possible and any pants the user might have been wearing are removed and secured.

CoC_Uatut3 has a tutorial on adjusting fire.

stuff in Addons Directory (CoC_Arty.pbo) goes into your ofp/addons directory.

stuff in Missions Directory (ChainOfCommand Folder) goes into your ofp/Missions directory.
  CoC_UAIntro.pbo is strictly single-player.
The others work as MP-coop as well:

  CoC_UATut1.pbo (3 players)
  CoC_UATut2.pbo (4 players)
  CoC_UATut3.pbo (3 players)
  CoC_UATut4.pbo (4 players)
  CoC_UATut5.pbo (4 players)
  CoC_UATut6.pbo (6 players)

stuff in MPMissions Directory (co@07 rainy season.BAS_I1.pbo, co@07shortstraight.seb_iatrang ctf@24 ua.pbo) goes into your ofp/MPMissions directory. Rainy Season requires BAS Tonal-Tango pack and BAS Ranger/Deltas. ShortStraight requires SEB NamPack2.
editorMission folder (UATemplate) goes into the ofp/users/username/missions directory.

There will be an update to v. 1.0.
Currently, we plan to include:
   A) at least one updated skin.
   B) different munition effects (VT and Time fuzes, ICM, DPICM, Smoke, Illum)
   C) a transaction-based dialog system.
   D) any bug fixes.

speaking of which, please report any bugs to me or on the CoC Forums (forums.thechainofcommand.com)

some known bugs:
   A) On some very big missions (such as CoC_UATut6), after a certain amount of time, a Crash-To-Desktop will occur on Retry, or (in MP) on reloading the Briefing screen (#Restart). BIS has already been contacted about this one.
   B) In multiplayer on a dedicated server, between rounds, the firing units elevate their barrels to 90 degrees. This does not effect the firing of the rounds; it just looks weird.

-dinger (dinger@thechainofcommand.com)

Vehicles in CoC_Arty:

SEB M252 Mortar
BAS M101 Towed Howitzer
DKM M109 Paladin (SP Howitzer)

Other objects/units:

The Chain Of Command




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Coming soon.
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2003, 16:29:18 by Dinger »

Offline Dinger

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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #26 on: 25 Oct 2003, 03:57:52 »
For Immediate Release.

The Chain Of Command, in conjunction with SEB, Ballistic Addon Studios, Decisive Killing Machines and Project: UK Forces announces the release of Battle Kings: The Chain Of Command Unified Artillery 1.0.
The Chain Of Command Unified Artillery (UA) combines models from many of the top Operation Flashpoint addon studios with a single command and control system to deliver to the OFP world the first true, fully functioning artillery system.

CoC UA main page

CoC Download Site offline (We used up our bandwidth)

Mirrors (more to come. If you would like to mirror, contact us):
Blackdog's Mirror (help test his bandwidth!)

In conjunction with the release of UA, PMC has released a new version of their 30-mission CoC Command Engine campaign, fully integrating the Unified Artillery addon:


UA Features:
•   Persisting shells and rockets that fly ballistically to their target, up to 32 kilometers away (and, should the need arise, even farther).
•   Painstakingly detailed fire and recoil effects.
•   A single, unified command and control system.
•   Streamlined Mission Editor deployment: just place the objects on the map and go. No scripting required.
•   Built in Functions for one-line scripted operation of artillery.
•   Laser Designator/Rangefinder support.
•   10 missions included.
•   Targeting system uses a neural network for low overhead and high accuracy.
•   Can support user-made dialogs.
•   Dynamic structure enables additional modules (CoC and third-party) to "plug in" to the UA core features and interface: no need to update the .pbo to add new units!
•   Required Monolith object graces the landscape of OFP.
•   Multiplayer compatibility for all features.
Vehicles in CoC_Arty:

SEB M252 Mortar
BAS M101 Towed Howitzer
DKM M109 Paladin (SP Howitzer)

Other objects/units:

* Readme COC_UnifiedArtillery          *
This is the Chain of Command Unified Artillery v. 1.0 (Battle Kings).

After installing files, users should play the mission "UA Introduction", as this explains a lot about how UA works, and includes a voice-over tutorial.
UA Introduction (CoC_uaintro) also has an intro cutscene. Proper preparation is necessary. Before viewing the cutscene, ensure that the volume is set as loud as possible and any pants the user might have been wearing are removed and secured.

CoC_Uatut3 has a tutorial on adjusting fire.

stuff in Addons Directory (CoC_Arty.pbo) goes into your ofp/addons directory.

stuff in Missions Directory (ChainOfCommand Folder) goes into your ofp/Missions directory.
  CoC_UAIntro.pbo is strictly single-player.
The others work as MP-coop as well:

  CoC_UATut1.pbo (3 players)
  CoC_UATut2.pbo (4 players)
  CoC_UATut3.pbo (3 players)
  CoC_UATut4.pbo (4 players)
  CoC_UATut5.pbo (4 players)
  CoC_UATut6.pbo (6 players)

stuff in MPMissions Directory (co@07 rainy season.BAS_I1.pbo, co@07 shortstraight.seb_iatrang ctf@24 ua.pbo) goes into your ofp/MPMissions directory. Rainy Season requires BAS Tonal-Tango pack and BAS Ranger/Deltas. ShortStraight requires SEB NamPack2.
editorMission folder (UATemplate) goes into the ofp/users/username/missions directory.

There will be an update to v. 1.0.
Currently, we plan to include:
   A) at least one updated skin.
   B) different munition effects (VT and Time fuzes, ICM, DPICM, Smoke, Illum)
   C) a transaction-based dialog system.
   D) any bug fixes.

speaking of which, please report any bugs to me or on the CoC Forums (forums.thechainofcommand.com)

some known bugs:
   A) On some very big missions (such as CoC_UATut6), after a certain amount of time, a Crash-To-Desktop will occur on Retry, or (in MP) on reloading the Briefing screen (#Restart). BIS has already been contacted about this one.
   B) In multiplayer on a dedicated server, between rounds, the firing units elevate their barrels to 90 degrees. This does not effect the firing of the rounds; it just looks weird.

-dinger (dinger@thechainofcommand.com)

The Chain Of Command



« Last Edit: 28 Oct 2003, 03:33:18 by Dinger »


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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #27 on: 25 Oct 2003, 11:29:38 »
Nice work!
I reckon this'll be good for recon special forces missions, go behind enemy lines, set up an OP, and call in artillery on the target.


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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #28 on: 25 Oct 2003, 17:07:40 »
Great Job!!!  I had no idea BAS was working on artillery.  Well, it is an excellent job from everyone, I don't even want to think about how long it took to make the scripts, addons, etc.
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2003, 17:08:33 by Homefry »


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Re:CoC Unified Artillery progress/discussion
« Reply #29 on: 25 Oct 2003, 17:35:05 »
Awesome work guys. Not only does it work like a charm, it's a lot easier to set up than Snypir's support pack for us wannabe mission makers  :thumbsup:
