Well I've never been in a war and hopefully never will be.. but that was just plain funny ;D
If I was to die in a war I'd like to be spoken with my name and not my numbeer.
Seen a vouple of war movies and they never say "oh dear, 3 is down"
It's alright in a mission with respawn and lot's of action.. say a paintball mission or some capture and hold.. But in a quiet sneaking or patrol mission with a real plot and athmosphere based on the lack of enemy I'd reallly like to see the officer cry out
-(officer)Noooo! Johny just stepped into a mine!!
-(the group) oh dear oh dear. it was his birthday today.
-(random guy) johny had a feeling that might happen and gave me a letter to send for his wife and kids
-(officer) Johny was the best soldier a group leader could ask for.
-(random guy)we should buey him with his gun. He would have wanted that.
-(random guy) *kisses Johny on the cheak for one last time*
Like in movies, it makes us feel more deeply when a guy has a name. say in Saving Private Ryan it totally acceptible that a 500 US troopers get shot in 3 minutes when landing at the beach because we don't know their names. But when the group goes out to look for Ryan it's a terrible shame when someone from the group gets whacked.
I rest my case ;D