I didn't think that would work because random gives you fractional values. So, in this example, the count = 6, meaning that _n = random (6). You would get values ranging from 0 to 6, including 0.0001, 2.7, 5.28937, and 6 (which is outside the range of the array). Are you sure this words, LCD?
work like a charm
just he need 2 change da play sound from his arraynd put it in his coomand later
if u dont belive me check it
also it wont give 5
it wil give num between 0-6 not including 0 and 6 (or at least it never hapened 2 me
;D and u dont have 2 make it (how da f00k u say num W/O numbers after da .?) thingy ;D OFP accepts ny num it wil just take it nd use it
if u dont belive me u can try ;D
and im editing 4 a year now so i gotta know