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Author Topic: newbie  (Read 2523 times)

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Offline dmakatra

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« on: 04 Jan 2003, 19:00:21 »
I have been thinkin about this and it might sound quite stupid and I know the road is long but IÂ've got time.

IÂ'm gonna start making addons in OFP, but my tallent in any such things is: zero, I havenÂ't done anything, but I want to learn and you have to start somewhere even if it ainÂ't gonna be good untill IÂ've practice.

First of all, before going into the addons, I might need be able to do a program in some editor or write C++ (I can a small, small, small bit of C++). There I need advice, what I need to learn, what lessons on the net thats good or what program/editor thats the best (and where to download it).

Second, I need programs, programs to make an addon. I need advices witchÂ's the best and such.

Third, I need lessons in those programs. I need advices about lessons witch lessons on the net thats good.

Now, IÂ've probably made a fool out of myself, but where all newbies in the start, right?


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« Reply #1 on: 05 Jan 2003, 04:19:53 »
You dont need C++ to make addons ;) The only coding you will do is with config.cpp's with classes. Check out some of the tutorials on the forums and Editing depot :) Good luck

Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #2 on: 06 Jan 2003, 00:08:29 »
Thx, but I have ended up in trouble the first I did. I donÂ't know where to start. Every tutorial in editors depot seem to be to advanced for a newbie except one, and you have to download oxygen, witch I did (Oxygen lite). But in another turtorial there was a tip to start with just change something thats allready been done (like the sound of the M16 or somethin).

Any tips how you do that or what turtorial I should use?

Offline Tomb

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« Reply #3 on: 06 Jan 2003, 00:24:04 »
Ellöw, Armstrong m8.... So, we meet again!  :) ( ;D )

Here's a good tip - start making you first addon outta some 'real' model;
use an original BIS model (.p3d file) and change nothing except from the
configurations (the cpp file) that sort of set the basic appearence in many ways.

Lets say you make a sniper.

Unzip the Data3D folder (using the OFP_Decrypter 1.5 tool.) and then grab
a soldier.p3d file from the Data3D (located in the DTA folder).

PS. if you have RESISTANCE, use the new & updated (handguns) Data3d.pbo file
and not the 'old' one.

The path is :

OFP / Res / Dta / Data3d.pbo <-------unpack this file!!!

Then grab a copy of the orig. config (cpp) somewhere & locate the units part.
You can also simply de-pbo an already made soldier-addon to read how that cpp is written.

It takes forever to become familiar with ALL aspects of a cpp but thank God,
ya don't need to know 'em all right away just to make yer first unit.  ;D

G'luck, Armstrong, and may the Almigthy feel warmhearted about yer hard butt labour!
Looking forward to see the results, m8  :-*


Ask as many questions as you want to, thats what the boards are here for  ;) :)


Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #4 on: 06 Jan 2003, 13:25:58 »
Thx tomb, but where can I download the OFP_Decrypter 1.5?


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« Reply #5 on: 06 Jan 2003, 16:19:12 »
OK here goes a small explanation than  ;D

The tools you'll need if you wanna make only textures and not models are DePbo or OFP_Decrypter 1.5,StuffPbo or MakePbo,TextView,P3d_Utility and a good Graphis Program Paintshop Pro or Photoshop will do, perssonaly I use Photoshop, if you can't find them all in this website you'll find the rest in here http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?newlang=eng

If you intend to make models than you need O2, and maybe 3D Max depending on the kind of models you wanna make, but let's say you'll do fine just with O2 at the beggining.
All this tools can be found in the Editors Depot from this website or in the link I gave you , all but Paintshop Pro or Photoshop  ofcourse ;D

OK now a brief explanation about files, after downloading all the tools mentioned above ,try opening an already made addon, something simple like some soldiers, try do download one of the first ones being made check our addon depot for that, than use the DePbo or OFP_Decrypter 1.5  tool on the .pbo file, you'll notice it opened a new folder just beside the "addon".pbo file,
now open the folder and check the files there, you should have one or two .p3d files, a lot of .paa and .pac files and a .cpp file, here is what they are:
.p3d file = this is the model file, we'll leave this one for now.

.paa and .pac files = you remenber the tool called Textview? Try opening one of this files with it, and save them as .tga, than open it with Photoshop or Paintshop Pro.  ;)

.cpp file = well this is the file that tells the game what this addon is, example: Tank,Soldier,Plane,Armour,weapons, type of fire, place of the model, and so on, let's say this one is the brain of the addon  ;)

Ok now that you already know the basics, you should make some paintings or photographic manipulation  ;D
Try changing one of the .paa or.pac files a bit in Photoshop or Paintshop Pro than overight the .tga file, and than with TextView save it again to .paa or .pac as it was before.
Next, overight the old file with the one you changed placing it inside the folder where it was before, now using the StuffPbo or MakePbo tool, save the folder with exactely the same name as it has before. Now you have the same .pbo file with the same name, but with your first edited texture replacing the old one ;D
Place this file inside your ofp\addons folder and go to the game. In the game go to the editor and choose the units you've changed you should know by the name they have, also read the readme file that comes with the addon it will tell you where you'll find them.
This is more or less what you'll need to know to have a basic knowlege of an addon, as obvious you'll neet to know much more, but that is what this forum is all about, just ask and you'll be anwsered no question is too stup** ;)
I've been looking at the tutorials available, check this ones they will help  ;)

Commented CPP Files
Config.cpp commands
Config.cpp File Tutorial
Texturing Addons

for more questions just ask mate  ;) and btw Welcome to Addon Making  ;)
« Last Edit: 06 Jan 2003, 16:29:44 by Skaven »

Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #6 on: 06 Jan 2003, 19:25:44 »
for more questions just ask mate  ;) and btw Welcome to Addon Making  ;)

Thx, IÂ'll be right away with mt first addon, a red M16A1! ;D

Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #7 on: 06 Jan 2003, 20:02:26 »
Grrrr, I hate troubble, expacially when things are going so great....

I canÂ't use TexView to safe files! A window appears, saying that I the program has done an illegal thing (I donÂ't know what "Ã¥tgärd" is on english, so I only write "thing"). What must I do to make it work?


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« Reply #8 on: 06 Jan 2003, 21:54:48 »
I had that same problem with one version of textview,are you using Winodws XP?
well try this one instead and tell me if ot works please  ;)


Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #9 on: 06 Jan 2003, 22:08:45 »
I allready use 1.1 and IÂ'm using 98 (for some reason).


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« Reply #10 on: 06 Jan 2003, 23:39:47 »
try this one I've downloaded it from other place, it should work for you too mate.

Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #11 on: 07 Jan 2003, 11:14:23 »
Ok, IÂ'll check it out, but first IÂ'm gonna tell everyone Â'bout my big moment:


I couldnÂ't convert TGA with my verision, but I could convert it to JPG!

IÂ've(sry, LCD! Im gonna practice mor. ey do ya c dat? Im gettin closer!) had problem with the screen shot so I couldnÂ't convert it to jpg, but here is it anyway!


Thx Skaven for all help and info!

And I canÂ't forget Tomb and SFG, thx for the info and help
« Last Edit: 07 Jan 2003, 11:17:18 by The real Armstrong »

Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #12 on: 07 Jan 2003, 12:54:08 »
WhatÂ'll be the next step?


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« Reply #13 on: 07 Jan 2003, 13:07:53 »
The next step is actually a big Jump  ;D
Instead ot wrighting you 10.000 words here, try reading the tutorials I adviced you and than throw the questions, it's easier this way mate ;)

Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #14 on: 07 Jan 2003, 13:11:28 »
roger that!