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Author Topic: Nogava in WRP edit?  (Read 3391 times)

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Nogava in WRP edit?
« on: 02 Jan 2003, 23:17:40 »
how to you put the island of Nogava into WRP edit?


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #1 on: 03 Jan 2003, 00:23:04 »
Well...  there is a way.. but it's long, complicated, and highly frowned upon ;)

 Just out of curiousity.. why do you want Nogova in Wrp?

if it is just the objects you're after, then there's a way to do that as well...
a quick search of this board should tell you how to get the Res objects into your own island ;)

but I won't tell ya how to edit BIS's ;D


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #2 on: 03 Jan 2003, 01:01:08 »
Well if everon,malden and kolgujev plis desert island and theres a winter versaian of them all so why not Nogava?


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #3 on: 03 Jan 2003, 21:43:33 »
because then people without resistance can get the island for free.


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #4 on: 03 Jan 2003, 23:57:42 »
  Well... if you didn't have res.. the most you could see is the island itself and not any textures or objects ;D

 try opening someone's custom island in 1.46 that uses Res Objects and textures and they won't appear ;)

 My reasoning for not wanting to share the way to edit Nogova is because as far as I can remember, BIS doesn't want you to :P   and as someone who makes add-ons as well as an island I can respect the fact that they don't want someone else coming along and easily editing their work ;D

It's a long and involved process to create a proper island , and I know that once mine is completed I wouldn't want anyone to make a few minor alterations and rerelease it ;D


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #5 on: 04 Jan 2003, 00:04:09 »
Yes but they could say distributing it acroos the internet is BAD

And any way they did everon ETC desert jungle and winter so its really only fair!

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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #6 on: 04 Jan 2003, 01:18:17 »

The original islands were available to everyone who had the game, so, the desert, jungle and winter versions of said islands was reasonable.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #7 on: 04 Jan 2003, 02:51:06 »
well you would have to make houses covered in snow and stuff and trees the same way so you would be getting the objects for free. not sure about desert. i was never really a fan of the desert islands cuz they werent really logical. Why make huge towns on an island that is covered by a desert... cant farm there (all that well atleast), no tourists really want to go see an island covered with sand and ill shut up now.


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #8 on: 04 Jan 2003, 12:43:51 »
If anybody knows how to get Nogava in WRP edit then please contact me!



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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #9 on: 04 Jan 2003, 21:33:09 »
im quite sure this is verging onto illegal - since BIS have placed a HUGE copyright and a shit load of barriers on u editing Nogova - they dont want non-res people to have the island - textures or not

others have fallen at this trap - i know one site that got taken offline because BIS threatened the server owner with legal action - this was because they were selling ofp addons - a big no no

i wouldnt recommend going the same way.

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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #10 on: 04 Jan 2003, 22:57:03 »
  :) I'd stick w/ mezzy & kali.

 BIS have already given us almost everything (or allowed us to 'take' it & use it);
hek, addon-authors even have the nerve to put up a "©" mark in the ReadMe of a
tweaked BIS product  ::) a frikkin' joke (I might do it, but for joking - nothing more).

If BIS says "NO" to nogova, thats ok. besides - ppl with RES can easily (well not easily, but with some work) create their own islands (also winter/desert) using RES objects, so why the hek bother using nogova  ??? :)

ah well, no offence, luke  :) just an opinion m8  :-* ;)

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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #11 on: 05 Jan 2003, 14:57:46 »
Well, as for the legal side of it, you have to differentiate (as often):
  • Nogova is part of the Rersistance package. Hence, when you load Nogova to a non-Resistance version of OFP, you infringe copyright law because you don't have a Resistance license.
  • BIS has allowed the distribution of products created with OFP or tools provided by BIS for non-commercial purposes. Commercial use of those tools is not covered by the license and hence infringes copyright law.
  • The same applies for modified BIS products. BIS holds the full copyright on their products and they can limit the use of the products to non-commercial purposes, which they did.
  • If you create addons without using BIS tools or modifying BIS products (ie. the product is based 100% on your own work), the case is not so clear. BIS could have trouble getting their hands on those products. The reason is that the copyright protects their work, not the idea that is behind the work. It would be bold to make a final judgement about those cases because they are not as clear as the three cases above. It would require some legal examination to come to a final answer. And often there is more than one answer with pros and cons for each solution. That's why you need lawyers, who can guide you through the legal jungle.

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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #12 on: 05 Jan 2003, 18:29:47 »
anyway, make something that we need more...like a new nice island ;D

i don't think Desert/winter/jungel versions of original island is so good ::)
but that's just me though...


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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #13 on: 06 Jan 2003, 10:58:26 »
That's why you need lawyers, who can guide you through the legal jungle.

sefe is a fully qualified lawyer - his rates are quite reasonable

lol lol lol - sounds like an advert mateh  ;)
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Re:Nogava in WRP edit?
« Reply #14 on: 06 Jan 2003, 13:05:17 »
Yeah, that's the great thing about OFP now... Making new and original addons/islands.   ;)  

But that's just me.     ;)

@ Sefe

I hope I never need a lawyer.   ;)   :P
