Am I the only one who thinks this was a flawed release?
First, there were horrifc LOD probs with the Force Recon *not "Reckon"* in MARPAT. From about 20 meters away, the soldiers were half white. Not good.
Second, they weren't grouped. It's a big pain to put them in your own.
The M203s don't always have sights. At least some machine gunners should have M249s. Maybe there should be OICWs for some of the MARPAT marines to show a "future" force.
Finally, some of the textures seem a bit off. Where I go to school there are about 75 JROTC kids who wear surplus BDUs and they are not the yellowish color the HK2 woodland bdus are. However, the cheap Chinese reproductions do have that yellowish tint.
I hope you guys get these fixed eventually. Nice work though.