Isn't This AddMagazine"M16Mag"? I thought you just put M16 followed by the word mag and make sure is not on the addweapon, only M16 on the addweapon, so yes it would be like:
Removeallweapons this; this addmagazine"M16Mag";this addweapon"M16"
Wouldn't that give you a M16 with a mag loaded in it?
Edit: Oh yeah, just won't work like what you trying to say, puting the comand and try to give it a number or something so you don't have to right it all over again for at list 6 times, imagine if you want to change a hall squads load out...
What I do is this, I right down the Removeallweapons this, then I right down This Addmagazine"whatever", I copy the last comand by highlighting the hall comand then pres control and the leter C in the same time to copy the hall thing and then paste as many times you want by presing control and the leter V in the same time, if you got a few more units to have the same loadout just copy the hall thing from the init field of the first unit and paste it all over the init fields of the rest of your units, or just copy the unit you made first and paste as many you like to make a squad, then press F2 to go to group and linkt hem all togueder.
I hope that helps.
Later all.