OK......my tentative translation:
He wants to know how to check whether you have wrecked more than x number of vehicles.......if so........mission fail.
I think:
Happy Hogmanay. :beat:
Ok, well the system would incorporate a trigger counting the damage of a set of vehicles contained in an array
INIT.SQS;; add the name of every car to the following array that you need to monitor
;; in this example, i called them car1, car2 etc etc
tx_Veh = [Car1,Car2,Car3,Car4,Car5]
MISSION EDITORCreate a once only trigger
Condition:{count canmove _x == 0}foreach tx_vehicles
On Activation: [] exec wreckedveh.sqs
basically the above condition when reached will activate a script
called "wreckedVeh.sqs"
(The trigger waits until all the cars in the array can no longer move)
Create a script called wreckedVeh.sqs do run whatever code you require when the condition is reached
{count canmove _x == 0}foreach tx_vehiclesthe canmove command returns whether or not a vehicle can move, based on the damage it has suffered, rather than fuel etc
other conditions you could use are
Condition:({alive _x }count tx_vehicles==0)
for completely destroyed vehicles