hehe I created a new campaign and its all about street racing.. its the first campaign at the top in the pending section of the mission depot.. Try getting an idea from it... Also with that I learnt how to make races and cop getaways... its cool but eh.. whoever has time to make a mission with something like thiswould make a nice mission: make a MP mission where peepz start in cars and they can go to a meeting point and they can choose to race with each other ;D!
something like this maybe:
_p1 = _this select 0 ; this is player 1's and player 2's name
_p2 = _this select 1
_pos1 = _this select 3 ; here are positions the cars will be transfered to
_pos2 = _this select 4
_cop1 = _this select 5 ; these are the cops that will chase you
_cop2 = _this select 6
_cop3 = _this select 7
_cop4 = _this select 8
_p1 setpos (getpos _pos1)
_p2 setpos (getpos _pos2)
_p1 setfuel 0
_p2 setfuel 0
hint "are you ready?"
hint "3!"
hint "2!"
hint "1!"
hint "GO!"
_p1 setfuel 1
_p2 setfuel 1
hint "the first 1 that reaches the first city you will drive past earns $500!"
_cop1 dotarget _p1
_cop2 dotarget _p1
_cop3 dotarget _p2
_cop4 dotarget _p2
and this trigger will be activated when the 2 players reach each other less than 1 meter e.g.:
Condition: (p1 distance p2 <1)
im not sure if thats the command but that should be it
On Activation: [p1,p2,pos1,pos2,cop1,cop2,cop3,cop4] exec "racer1v2.sqs"
its just an idea... im gonna make this mission my self some time ;D
player1 should be west and player2 should be east. 2 triggers should be highlighting the city and both be the same size.
The first 1:
activated by west
[p1] exec "getmoney.sqs"
The 2nd 1:P
activated by east
[p2] exec "getmoney2.sqs"
hint "player 1 has won $500 dollars and can use it on either a car or a sidearms near the nearest shop.
the same for getmoney2.sqs but then name p1counter=500 to p2counter=500 and player 2 has won $500.
If you dont know how to make a shop where you can buy cars and guns, just tell me and ill explain that too... Actually this is more a racing-map type mission but the idea is all the way at the top of this post!