lol, forgot to refresh the page... HateR_Kint said it all.
I tried to play a bit with it myself and titletext did work where titlecut failed.
This code worked for me:
(I did paste your code into my existing intro script)
;viewdistance laag zetten voor fps/lag.
SetViewDistance 500
;camera maken
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
;=== stel maan
_camera camSetTarget [78712.43,-55127.26,19036.91]
_camera camSetPos [6440.43,11320.00,1.14]
_camera camSetFOV 0.217
_camera camCommit 0
;***** your part starts here***** I "commented" the first few lines, cos I didn't know where you put the cam
;_camera camSetTarget [99330.86,-5192.03,47336.04]
;_camera camSetPos [11520.30,2249.96,0.86]
;_camera camSetFOV 0.018
;_camera camCommit 0
titlecut [" ","BLACK out",6]
titletext ["Blah Blah ","plain down",1]
titletext ["Blah Blah","plain down",1]
titletext ["Blah Blah","plain down",1]
titletext ["Blah Blah","plain down",1]
@camCommitted _camera
_camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _camera
;einde test
I'm not sure why it differs, but maybe this helps.