1. How do i detect when my craft is going vertically up?
2. How can i detect if i'm being locked on in a dogfight?
3. How do you activate triggers after a certain objective is completed.
4. I also want to detect a craft in my vicinity
5. How can i limit a plane to a certain speed?
Any help will be much appreciated!
1 : Find the bank/pitch script in the editors depot..
2. No idea
3. In the trigger that tells the game you've completed the objective, put in the activation, goalcomplete true
And then in another trigger, the condition this time, put goalcomplete = true
Then it waits till that 1st trigger is activated, and the second is activated
4. Nearestobject command?
_plane = this select 0
_velox = _plane velocity select 0
_veloy = _plane velocity select 1
_veloz = _plane velocity select 2
?(_velox > 200):GOTO "slowdown"
?(_veloy > 200):GOTO "slowdown"
?(_veloz > 200):GOTO "slowdown"
GOTO "loop"
HINT "Slow down now"
;not sure of code for here
GOTO "loop"
Save that as slowdown.sqs
Change the 200 to different values for different planes.. Call the script with this in the planes INIT field :
[this] exec "slowdown.sqs"
Hope some of this is some use t'ya
- Ben