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Author Topic: Temp Recruitment  (Read 4351 times)

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Temp Recruitment
« on: 12 Apr 2004, 23:40:41 »
Seeing as how the recruitment depot is down, and I'm guessing it's not gonna be up for a wee while..
And moderater pending, I prupose that we all use this thread to post needed people.
And then people would IM/email the person to sign up.
So if I need some to do "nothing", I'd post
I need someone to do "nothing" on my mod "blahblah"
Email : me@here.com

Then the person willing to do nothing would email them..

The reason I am posting this is because the ammount of threads closed because of people recruiting, and the mods locking it saying "I'd point you to the recruit. depot, but it's shut, so post on a diff. forum" (Allong those lines) it quite high..

What'da ya think
- Ben

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #1 on: 13 Apr 2004, 02:07:46 »
The usual response is to submit their requirements to the Intelligence Depot as a news item.

That way their request for people appears on the front page.

This to me is a good enough alternative for the time being.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Sefe

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #2 on: 13 Apr 2004, 14:03:05 »
As you have correctly pointed out, we do not allow recruitment in the forum (for various reasons). And this is a thread in the forums. The most obvious conclusion is: we do not allow recruitment in this thread.

The recruitment depot is being worked on and please be patient until it's back up.

Until then, your proposal is kindly rejected.

Offline Artak

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #3 on: 13 Apr 2004, 15:04:44 »
The usual response is to submit their requirements to the Intelligence Depot as a news item.
This has been the case. However, as I see it, the Intel Depot does not publish any news items directly asking for help or advertising it.
Not all is lost.


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #4 on: 13 Apr 2004, 18:17:31 »
Okay, so you won't let people post new threads everywhere, mainly, I guess, so as not to clutter up the forums/databases.
So what is wrong with a single thread where people can recruit.
And when the recruitment depot is back up, it can be deleted.

But your not allowing this at all, even as a temp measure.
Sorry, but this dosn't make sense.

Sending news things would be very slow as someone has to get this, read it, okay it (Which Aktak says the don't) and then post it.. And requests would get lost ammong the other real news items, and I guess that people wanting new don't want to read a bunch of people's posts needing help.

Sorry, I don't mean to be annoying or anything, but I'm slightly annoyed about this whole thing..
It's illogical, you can't use the depot that is designed for recruiting, and you can use the forums, even as a temp meause that can be cleaned up in seconds (By deleting it)...

Again, sorry, but please consider it..
- Ben
« Last Edit: 13 Apr 2004, 18:21:26 by DBR_ONIX »


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #5 on: 13 Apr 2004, 23:53:57 »
I doubt your idea would work, because it would require the mods to answer their IM's
I applied to be a mission/addon reviewer (2 weeks ago).......still no reply


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #6 on: 14 Apr 2004, 00:28:43 »
Did you send an IM to each of the depots respective admins??


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #7 on: 14 Apr 2004, 00:37:25 »
I sent a application to Anmac...

Then spoke to Noon416 about it...

Then IM'd Noon, Anmac & even snYpir about it...

It annoys me because there are precious few missions/addons being reviewed.

And if nobody is gonna review them, why should people spend time making the respective missions/addons

Offline Noon416

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #8 on: 14 Apr 2004, 01:14:12 »

There are *plenty* of missions being reviewed at a steady rate, so I'm failing to see where your perception is coming from... ???

With regards to your application, I will IM you about it shortly, as I can now see the likely reason why you haven't received a response.
And its in your best interest that the reason remain private.
"If a man talks in the woods and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?"


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #9 on: 14 Apr 2004, 01:21:51 »
*slightly puzzled & very intrigued*

OK Noon..
« Last Edit: 14 Apr 2004, 01:24:46 by Chudley »

Offline Sefe

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #10 on: 14 Apr 2004, 11:13:52 »
Okay, so you won't let people post new threads everywhere, mainly, I guess, so as not to clutter up the forums/databases.
So what is wrong with a single thread where people can recruit.
And when the recruitment depot is back up, it can be deleted.

But your not allowing this at all, even as a temp measure.
Sorry, but this dosn't make sense.

Sorry, but this makes perfect sense.

We've had this debate again and again, and here are (again) the most important reasons why we do not allow recruitment in the forum:

  • The forums are a place to ask ofp editing related questions. The reason why this is widely considered the most helpful and effective forum in the area of ofp editing is that we don't allow discussions about other subjects. As soon as we'll allow non-editing related questions, the forum will get less effective in helping people out of their editing problems.
  • The forum is there to serve the community in the first place. Sure, people can have their individual questions answered, but the answer will also be there for the rest of the community. Recruiting doesn't serve the community but the interests of individuals.
  • Recruitment threads tend to be abused for internal communications of the recruiter. After a recruitment request you can count the hours to the first reply like "I've sent my application 2 hours ago and still haven't heard anything from you." This will be the first stone of an avalanche you can only stop by locking the thread.
  • Recruitment threads have a high probability to turn into flame wars. You'll quite likely get flaming reactions of people who's application has been rejected or simply replies like "Your mod sucks".
At the end of the day you might understand the reasoning behind our rules or not. But these rules have stood the test of time and we won't change them.

And, by the way, these rules were in effect long before we had anything like the recruitment depot. That the recruitment depot is currently down is no justification to change our forum rules even temporarily.
« Last Edit: 14 Apr 2004, 11:19:20 by Sefe »


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #11 on: 14 Apr 2004, 13:42:01 »
So the main reason is to give the moderators an easier job?
Couldn't they just delete the flame-ish posts?

Anyway, I can see your not gonna consider this, so I'll not even try to argue anymore.

I give up

How long until th recruitment depot is up?
Is it gonna be a week? Month? 3 months?

Not "When it's done", but a date would be nice

- Ben

Offline Noon416

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #12 on: 14 Apr 2004, 22:43:12 »

I can understand the frustration, but for the moment a "When its done" is all we can offer.  :(

Currently our coders are very busy with RL, but rest assured we're not sitting on our laurels over this.
I'm currently doing a crash course in PHP to get in there myself and fix it. ;)
So until my PHP skills reach a level where the cause of the problem becomes visible, we're still stuck with a broken depot.

At a rough guess, less than a month at this point in time, may be sooner. :)
"If a man talks in the woods and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?"


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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #13 on: 15 Apr 2004, 00:44:11 »
Good Luck Noon, you'll need it  ;) (my run-in with PHP was a frustrating experience  >:( )
« Last Edit: 15 Apr 2004, 00:45:29 by Homefry »

Offline Planck

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Re:Temp Recruitment
« Reply #14 on: 15 Apr 2004, 00:53:46 »

PHP = Possible Headache Protocol

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.