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Author Topic: O2 problems and several others.  (Read 1479 times)

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O2 problems and several others.
« on: 02 Mar 2004, 01:29:54 »
I'm using O2 as the exporter and texturer for Operation Flashpoint (I have Resistance upgraded to 1.91) and when I press A to bring up the texture box, I can't load textures/pics in it. OK, I can browse to the pictures and select them and supposedly open them/use them, but they either don't show up or don't appear at all in that little texture box... I don't recall pressing any buttons or changing anything... please help with this. To put it simply: I press A for texture box. I click load texture. I choose the texture. Nothing loads up in the box/it's blank.

Also, I'm having a problem. I don't know how to get the muzzle flash to work properly, now that I have Resistance (it worked before). And how would I go around making an animated muzzle flash (like the orginal muzzle flash?) If I put one in, it will always show on the weapon (It worked before I had Resistance). How do I do this?

One more question: when I put colour in scopes/optics (mostly red) the transparency effects don't seem to work, namely around the edges of the scope (the one you actually look through in the game, not on the model). How to get it to blend properly?

I know this is alot of questions to take in at once, but that's all I'm asking, cos I'm quite experienced now with weapon making of Opflash. Thanks for the help.


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Re:O2 problems and several others.
« Reply #1 on: 04 Mar 2004, 00:05:12 »
Can't be that hard to solve.


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Re:O2 problems and several others.
« Reply #2 on: 04 Mar 2004, 01:12:51 »
One more question: when I put colour in scopes/optics (mostly red) the transparency effects don't seem to work, namely around the edges of the scope (the one you actually look through in the game, not on the model). How to get it to blend properly?

A picture would help  :)

And the muzzle flash....do a search, this has been answered 1 million times.


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Re:O2 problems and several others.
« Reply #3 on: 05 Mar 2004, 00:30:25 »
Here's the picture. To save on size (and putting the whole thing up will mean I have to squash it, loosing valuable detail and making the point useless) it's tinsy, but people should get the idea (in the centre is a red dot on the scope I made, not in the pic). It's the edge around the scope where it blends in. Whenever I make a scope without any other colour than black or white the blending/alpha works fine. But if I add a splash of red, green or whatever THAT'S what happens. I use Photoshop 6.0 for the scope making (in tga format) and TexView for the exporting.

Thanks for the help.


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Re:O2 problems and several others.
« Reply #4 on: 05 Mar 2004, 04:20:34 »
Welcome to the wonderful world of paa/pac format. In short...it sucks and you might just have to live with. You can try altering the size of the blend, but that's about all...  ???


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Re:O2 problems and several others.
« Reply #5 on: 06 Mar 2004, 01:17:34 »
Funny how the developer made one's are spick and span clean...

Btw, I looked for issues on how to resolve that muzzle flash probem and only came up with one answer!!! And it wasn't very helpful... without mentioning any names, sod the person who came up with that info.