Okay, I just wrote a quick script to do this (I needed it for myself anyway):
_car = _this select 0
_offset = _this select 1
_dir = getdir _car
?(_this select 2) == 1 : _dir = 90 + getdir _car
_wedge = format["%1",typeof _car] camcreate [0,0,0]
_wedge setdir _dir
_wedge setpos [(getpos _car select 0) + _offset*cos (_dir), (getpos _car select 1) + _offset*sin (_dir) , 2]
_car setpos [getpos _car select 0, getpos _car select 1, 7]
_wedge setvelocity [0,0,10]
deletevehicle _wedge
It is called like this: [vehicle, offset, 0 or 1]
vehicle is the car/bus/truck to be flipped
offset is a number that you have to fiddle with yourself until you find a number that will flip the car (usually around 0.8-1.5)
0 or 1 explained below
What this script does is it makes another vehicle of the same type as the one you pass it, then it moves your vehicle into the air, moves the new one beneath it, and launches the new vehicle upwards at your vehicle. If you get the offset right, this will flip the car so it lands either on its side or on its top. Normally the new vehicle is created parallel to the old one (facing the same direction, either to the left or right of the old one, depending on the sign of your offset). If you place a 1 in the last slot of the array, the new vehicle will be placed perpendicular to the old one, and either in front of or behind the old vehicle, depending on the sign of your offset (think the top of a T). With some vehicles it is easier to flip it on its top using this method. After 5 seconds the new vehicle (the one used to flip the other) will be deleted.
Here are some examples:
To flip a 5t truck or bus on its side: [this, 1, 0] exec "flipcar.sqs"
To flip a car on its back: [this, 1.7, 1] exec "flipcar.sqs"
To flip a car on its side: [this, 1.2, 0] exec "flipcar.sqs"