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Author Topic: simulation=what?  (Read 1220 times)

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« on: 14 Oct 2003, 14:12:05 »
What exactly is a "Simulation" and how do I configure them?

I've made a new Laser Designator weapon and assigned it to the Handgun weapon slot. The defaul ammo for the LLDR is LaserDesignator which has...


This causes the weapon anim to be taken from the Secondary weapon position regardless of the weapon slot. (looks like I'm holding an invisible LAW)

When I omit the Simulation variable (or make one up) the weapon animates properly (handgun anim) but obviously no laser appears???!?!

There gotta be a way to make a simulation perform like the LLDR in every way exept the location of the weapon.

Does any of that make sence? Please help!


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« Reply #1 on: 14 Oct 2003, 15:00:08 »
Simulation concerns to the weapon's/vehicle's nature: is it a soldier? then simulation=soldier; is it a fire? then simulation=fire.

There are lots of simulation types. Download the Config1.91 to learn more about it.

Note: I'm not sure if "laserDesignate" simulation compels the weapon to be used as secondary. Have you realy made the weapon slot iqual to 2?


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« Reply #2 on: 14 Oct 2003, 15:05:59 »
Thanks Komuna,

I got the 1.91 config stuff but there doesn't seem to be many entries (weapons/vehicles) that have the simulation variable defined.

I've tried the weapon in primary, seconary and handgun slots. All of which work fine... but in order to make the weapon work like a LLDR, you need to include simulation="laserDesignate"... when you do this, the soldier always plays the "take weapon from your back" anim.

If I omit the simulation variable... it looks great but it doesn't work like an LLDR.


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« Reply #3 on: 14 Oct 2003, 19:03:57 »
I've searched through every file that comes with the game and can find no trace of the "laserdesignate" simulation? (other than in the config.cpp file)

Surely it is described somewhere else in the game?

Please help... I am moments away from throwing my PC (and the game) out of the window.


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« Reply #4 on: 15 Oct 2003, 14:23:00 »
Please help... I am moments away from throwing my PC (and the game) out of the window.

Be patient. I am: 400MHz

Have you searched the CfgWeapons.hpp (comes with config.cpp1.91)? I don't have it here, but I believe it includes some info about the laser designator - however, notice that most of the official addons aren't described there. Anyway, you can always take a look at the LaserDesignator addon's config.bin (looks awfull in hex, but you can't do much more...).
From my experience, I know that such weapon simulation is used either in secondary slot (Portable Laser Designator) and hardmounted slot (Kiowa, A10)... Nevertheless, I've never seen it as a hand gun and I don't think that is realistic... (Just my opinion); maybe a primary slot weapon, as some LD's look like a TVoperator's camera and are used as a M16...


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« Reply #5 on: 15 Oct 2003, 14:37:49 »
The simulation class is built into the game engine.

Unfortunately, for your laser designator to work, you have to use the simulation "laserDesignate".

Because it is hard-coded into the game engine, you cannot change it...


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« Reply #6 on: 15 Oct 2003, 14:43:09 »
Ok, Deadmeat, but does it avoid the editor from using the LD as a slot 2 weapon?



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« Reply #7 on: 15 Oct 2003, 14:45:31 »
Yes, because that is the way the LD simulation has been coded, that is the only way it will work.

Note the BIS "if we dont need it, dont code it" approach strikes again  :-\


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« Reply #8 on: 15 Oct 2003, 15:01:11 »
Looks like I'll have to tweak the model again. I just felt the size a model needs to be in order to look right when its on your back makes for an unrealistic LD :(

BTW... I've done some research and there are hand held LDs available (not shoulder mounted)

The SAS have used a "binocular" style LD for several years now, but making that proved tougher than the handgun model!

Anyhow, thanks for your help :)


  • Guest
« Reply #9 on: 15 Oct 2003, 22:24:56 »
The SAS have used a "binocular" style LD for several years now, but making that proved tougher than the handgun model!

Did you....or is there a binocular a LD addon?

I tried to create one and got completely confused, I could assign it to the binoculars slot. When you looked though it you got the red dot, it's just when viewed though the binoculars, it looked as though you where spinning around continuously?



  • Guest
« Reply #10 on: 20 Oct 2003, 16:40:17 »
Did your model play the Binocular anim when you selected the weapon? I tried that and got nowhere?