hey unnamed, and thanx for reppin' m8, much appreciated.
But I have to insist on this, m8, that I want to AVOID any kind of mission editing;
thats why I asked my Q here in the first place
I wanna stuff ALL the spells into those two addons and run it from there,
using "class eventHandlers" {}; in the config. The objects have to work right from scratch,
without any array making etc. from the player/user.
Just like if you buy a book: you can open & read it right away!
don't need to do anything but pay for it, and here ya don't even have to do that!
So I hope I made it clear as possible now!
my problem is to stuff this WORKING array into the addon, that is :
my problem is to get the game engine to accept unnamed objects,
objects with no ther ID than the global config class name: "TMB_LampWhite"
:-\ sorry unnamed, I hope U get my drift
unless this .sqf stuff that U talk about can do what I'm after then I'll have to look elsewhere.
but thx anyway, m8, I'll give it a shot & see if it sticks!
@ lcd : its a new day now, I'll test yer stuff too tonite