Mkay. Start from init.sqs:
poisoned = []
dropped contaminating particle
drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 0.2, 1, [0,.8,1.6], [0,0,0], 500, 1.275, 1, 0, [.1,3], [[0,0.5-_rndc,0,0.1], [0,0.5-_rndc,0,0.4], [0,0.5-_rndc,0,0.8],[0,0.5-_rndc,0,0.1]], [0,0], 0, 0, "distance.sqs", "",_zombie]
_pos = _this
_DX = (_pos select 0) - (getPos player select 0)
_DY = (_pos select 1) - (getPos player select 1)
_dist = sqrt ((_DX * _DX) + (_DY * _DY));
? (_dist > .1) : exit
? (player in poisoned) : exit
poisoned = poisoned + [player]
[player] exec "poisoned.sqs"
_unit = _this select 0
_unit setDammage ((getDammage _unit) + .025)
? (alive _unit) : goto "damloop"
I presume your using the above particle as the "contaminating" one.
I have a similar set of scripts in a mission by Hawkins in the beta testing board, it can process a whole array of targets, not just the player. And an even more advanced thingy in works, just that ofp kneels before it, in a negative way ;D It replaced the 'nadelaunchers with flame throwers and napalm launchers, I might put it up somewhere soon.
[edit]fGgin ass I'm stoned, 3rd edit[/edit]