How about some support personnel and related static objects?
For example: Army mechanics. They'd be wearing fatigue shirts or even t-shirts, sleeves rolled up, etc., with greasy, dirty arms and hands, and oil stains on their clothes. they would need tools and similar things, so maybe jerry cans of gas (which could explode like a grenade if shot?), large roll-away tool chests, small portable tool boxes, floor jacks, a workbech with a vise and tools on it, etc, could be modelled. I suggest this because I have several missions where supposedly repairs are being done to some machine of war or other, and it looks pretty unbeleiveable, what with this guy carrying a rifle instead of a jack handle wanders back and forth between a 'broken' Ural and a repair truck. The mechanics could be armed with a pistol for defense. this addition would be a big help, in my opinion: wouldn't it add another dimension to your Black Ops missions, if you were to run into a hangar to blow up a plane, only to find it's being worked on by a mechanic?