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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 69324 times)

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Offline macguba

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(Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission
« on: 29 Jul 2003, 17:23:46 »
This is a mission which I started last year then put to one side.   Well I've dusted it down and updated it for Resistance.   It's not really impossible - a truly impossible mission is trivial to create and completely pointless - but it is very hard.    

You are given every chance - top quality squad, full weapon selection, even a couple of savegames.    There is no scripting of any consequence and none of the enemy loons have fancy weapon loadouts.

  • You lead an infantry squad ... change the flag on the flagpole and conquer the base, what could be easier muahahahahahah
  • Kolgujev
  • No extra addons but it does use all the official weapon addons (Uzi, Hunting rifle, etc.) so you probably do need OFP v1.91, can't remember when they all came out.
  • Zip attached (28k)
  • Known issues:  no overview pic, no intro
  • Please cast your eye over the gear selection and make sure I haven't forgotten anything.
  • Is it too easy?    Or is it unfair?
  • All comments welcome!

Many thanks.

Edit: This mission has been reviewed and is available, with required addon, from the Missions Depot.

Edit:   Latest version is 0-51.    728k thanks to the sound files.  Grab it from:-

macguba's operation flashpoint page

Full details on the latest post in this thread.  
15 Jan 04

Edit 24 June 04

New version (0-55) now available!    Grab it from macguba's operation flashpoint page

Or from the mirror Kaliyuga very kindly provided:-


Edit 19 July 04

New version (0-56) now up.  Grab it from the spot Kaliyuga very kindly provided:-


Edit 28 July

New version 0-58.

See end of this thread for more details.

Edit 18 August

New version 0-60.

Seem to have missed 0-59 from this post ... anyway, see end of this thread for more details.

Edit 3 October

New version 0-64.

Seem to have missed a couple from thispost ... anyway, see end of this thread for more details.   Thanks to Artak for putting this up.
« Last Edit: 06 May 2009, 01:05:22 by Walter_E_Kurtz »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play


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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jul 2003, 17:27:40 »
Looks like fun... I will try it later when I get home tonight.



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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jul 2003, 18:18:41 »
Scince u tested my mission, I'll test it later. I just installed gamespy arcade and am now addicted to MP play.

Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2003, 18:42:16 »
Thanks guys.

max, don't feel obliged to test my mission in particular just because I tested yours (though obviously it would be nice), but do feel obliged to test somebody's mission.
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Captain Winters

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jul 2003, 18:45:58 »
 :o wow!
A shit hot OFP player I am!
let me tell you this was a fun mission!

I started out with a Bizon 6 mags, RPG 2 rockets, and I ended up with 12 bullets for the Bizon and no rockets! I mean I was shooting left and right.

I started out, beautiful atmosphere. Then, all of a sudden, soldiers come crashing left and right to my postion. I mean litterally just popping outta the fog! It scared the shit outta me sometimes! After all of them were dead, along with two of my men, I advanced up the hill killing another 3 or 4 more soldiers and what not, until I couldn't move becausee.... Snipers were at key postions atop the hill, which actually took me a whuile to find them n kill em! Once they were out, I went to the top of the hill and took out, what seemed to be, a whole sqwuad of soldiers! ONce the AH-64 came into sight I took it out with an RPG, using the last none I had to take out 4 soldiers. At 4 or 5 minutes of frantic button puching I finally cleared the hill!  ;D Yea I'm good! I swear to god I musta killed around 15 dudes! Whew! Glad that's over. So I did the little flag thing! and that's as far as I got now!

  • No Overview Pic? You bad man!
  • Soldiers just seemed to lolly dag around without a carew in the world
  • The AH-64 wasn't really a threat to me and my men. It just circled around.
  • Awsome atmosphere! I LOVE IT!
  • American weapons are avalible for the selection... not sure if you want to do that (although it does make it easier!).
  • No really organized base at the top of the hill...
  • The briefing is a tad scant, maybe you should add a little more info?
For the difficultly thing, it's perfect! The AI soldier are for shit, but that makes it easier for the player!
Man, let me tell you, I am sure looking foward to playing the rest of it tonite!  ;D

EDIT- Just read ur post above, disreguard some of my comments ::)-EDIT
Tanks! 8)
« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2003, 18:48:13 by Captain Winters »

Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jul 2003, 19:36:20 »
lol well I'm glad to see you had fun with the Easy part ... (Captain Winters - Easy - geddit?) getting down the hill is a lot tougher than getting up it. ::)

Overview pic will come when I can be bothered. ;D

Which soldiers were lolling around?  :o  Can you remember where?  'Cause I'm not having that.

The choppers aren't really a threat while you're walking.   It's different if you get into a truck.    I'm going to put some more vehicles in to tempt people to do just that heheheheh

All weapons are available ... this is not meant to be a realistic mission, its partly just a bit of fun and partly an exercise in mission design.

I'll make more of a base at the top of the hill, that's a good point.

Briefing - what do you need/want to know?

How many of your loons were left once you were at the top of the hill?

Did you see any Abrams or Bradleys?

Thanks Cap'n!
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Captain Winters

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jul 2003, 21:49:12 »
lol well I'm glad to see you had fun with the Easy part ... (Captain Winters - Easy - geddit?) getting down the hill is a lot tougher than getting up it. ::)


As I ran up to the top of the hill and reached it, a group came running up to me. I took out half of it without them even returning fire!
In the briefing, I'm not sure what to include... lol, well it's supposed to be a fun mission, so... umm... maybe the enemies you'll encouter. are they lightly/heavily armed, why are you putting ur flag up, why are you attacking the base? Stuff like dat  :)
Once i got to the top of the hill, I had 6 guiys left, but some were injured...  ::) :) ;D

Tanks! 8)


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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #7 on: 29 Jul 2003, 21:49:46 »
Great mission. Macguba with your permission I'd like to edit it and make it MP for the OFPEC match because I think it would be superb in multiplayer have the missions depot as west and the Intel depot as east. The otha guys in the convo r in the match as well so c wat they fink.

Okay the mission,


No pic.  :'(


Nothing amazing, but it was good. Told you straight what the mission was and what else had happened.


I aint completed it yet so this aint final. Silence. Perfectly quiet then BOOM! An M16 erupts, screams, AKs start chattering a grenade impacts near me, some more screams. the rat-atat-ata-atat-atat-tat of an M60 goes off. More screams. Frantic radio messages:

'5, IS DOWN'

I pulled myself together and my remaining 4 men. We managed to push the attack back, myself racking up 6 kills. Some sniper was about to get me so i gave him the good news, then some Machine gunner ran blindly into my path so he recieved 6 bullets. It was over in no more than 30 seconds. Bodies everywhere. Shit dude that came outta no where. I turned towards the hill and started running off with my men, i heard a sniper shot ring out but dissmissed it, a few more shots then silence. I hit the dirt, behind a rock. wait a minute, where are my men?? I order them to report status. The following appears.

'3, IS DOWN'

Bollocks. I run up further. More snipers shots. I hit the dirt. Where is he? Another shot, ground sprays up in front of me. There! I launch a grenade round into him. BOOM! Hehehehe that was funni. Run on.  BANG! Sniper. I'm dead.

Second time

Start of in a town this time, hmmmmmm. Wot 2 do. I quickly set my men to danger and get down, after remembering what happened last time. 2 soldiers pop up. 2 AK rounds from my buddy next to me and there dead. Nice one Vladimir. I consult my map. I run to the base, and get in the truck. Uh-oh!! Here comes a helicopter, My men are just coming through the fog I can see them. I knew what was coming next. The AH1 swoops down, firing a TOW. BOOM! Takes out half my squad. Suddenly, out of nowhere M16 and M60s open up, the AKs return fire. I see men falling everywhere. My men, the enemies. I have 2 men on the truck. I drive, but just as I leave the base a rocket sends the truck tumbling down the hill.  :P There is something about this mission that compels me 2 play more. Good work.

Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #8 on: 29 Jul 2003, 23:13:17 »

That's just the kind of reaction I'm hoping for.  :)

Originally this was no more than an intellectual exercise in mission design but I think it's reached the stage where it's worth turning into a proper mission.   I'll make a base on top of the hill, add a background story to the briefing, make a small intro ... all that usual stuff.

If anybody gets a good screenshot for the overview pic please attach it to the thread - obviously I'll credit you if I end up using it.

I would of course be perfectly happy for  somebody to make it MP, (wait till it's finished) but I don't really think it's suitable for the ofpec match.   If you were going to play it MP the only way would be as co-op humans vs. AI, otherwise it would be very dull for the people playing West.      
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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #9 on: 29 Jul 2003, 23:38:26 »
 not so sure I like the random starting points though  :P

two out of three times I started and immediately died before I could take a step :-\


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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #10 on: 30 Jul 2003, 01:06:19 »
 all right.. I played it a few more times and it's really fun...

but I still say if you start looking at an ambulance... you're in big trouble...

and if you start with two tanks right in front of you ..  you don't stand much of a chance either...

apart from those frustrating two possiblities.. it's really fun and challenging....  

makes picking a load-out interesting too... cause you're not sure exactly where you're starting at..... ;)


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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #11 on: 30 Jul 2003, 05:21:14 »
pllayed your mission, loved it and i couldnt find anything wrong with it.

ps: i wouldnt exactly call it im possible ;)

Offline macguba

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #12 on: 31 Jul 2003, 02:45:23 »
Right, latest version (v0.4) attached to this post.

Changes from v0.3:-

  • Addons.    Regret to say I've slightly lost track.  You definitely need Kegety's Editor Addon and lots of official addons.    I hope that's all but I may have cocked it up.  Let me know if you get floods of addon error messages.

  • Changed player's group from ordinary soldiers to Spetz Natz and increased skill.   (Makes it easier)
  • Increased probabilities of some West groups.  Added one or two more.  Changed some waypoints.   (Makes it harder)
  • Made "ambulance" and "tank" infil points slightly easier
  • Added interaction with civilians + cutscene
  • Added transport to all infil points
  • Opposition at infil points more varied
  • Changed system of savegames
  • Added basic mission accomplished cutscene
  • Added background to Briefing
  • Added base at flagpole

Chopper - thanks  :)  Did you get to the very end?  

Kali - nice pic!   Might use that one.   The forces at the ambulance are no bigger than anywhere else ... anyway I've made that fractionally easier.   And I've changed the tank thing too.   The load-out is simple to one extent ... take as much as you can carry  ;D    Random starting points are all part of the fun ... there are more than two ... or three...  ::)   This is one mission that will never be quite the same twice.

I've added some civilians - can somebody check them out to make sure the cutscene works?    

Many thanks all.

« Last Edit: 31 Jul 2003, 02:45:47 by macguba »
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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #13 on: 31 Jul 2003, 03:40:29 »
Hey Macguba,

I tried playing but I got an error message stating I was missing six addons, one of them being "objects".  If I'm not mistaken (and I may be), that is referring to objects.pbo or possibly objects1.pbo, which I think is part of the old editor addon.  Kegetys v1.11 Editor addon does not use that.

I found this out the hard way when I was trying to place some trees in a mission.  I had v1.11 editor addon installed in a second computer I was using for addon testing.  I got the same "objects" missing error message.  So I believe what is happening is a mix of old and new editor addons.


OK, I just checked Kegetys v1.02 editor addon.  Objects1.pbo and objects2.pbo are part of that addon and not part of the v1.11 addon.

So now the question is, are the same objects available in both versions?

Captain Winters

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Re:Impossible Mission
« Reply #14 on: 31 Jul 2003, 05:45:48 »
kk, i bb tommorow morning w/ sum feedbak  ;D. bettr b good!

Tanks! 8)