this is the line you want
"SoldierWB" createunit [getmarkerpos "Okrouhlo", Okrouhlogroup, "a1 = this",0.3,"Corporal"]this is the explination you want
"SoldierWB" is the stringname for a standard US soldier. You can find most of the string names from the official command reference, which you can find from the editors depot under references.
createunit is the command you want to be using
getmarkerpos "Okrouhlo" tells the command to create the soldier to a spot marked with a marker that's named as Okrouhlo.
Okrouhlogroup is the name of the group the soldier will be created into. NOTE that you can't create soldiers if you don't have a group ready and waiting for them to be born so to say. To solve this you should create one unit to the map and type Okrouhlogroup = group this in it's init field. He will be the commander of the units you create to that group.. unless you later on unjoin the leader from the group.. anyways, that's how it goes
"a1 = this" is the init field of the created soldier. You can type in there all the normal stuff you could in an init field in editor. For example this setbehaviour "safe" will make him born in safe behaviour mode.
0.3 is the skill of the created unit. The scale is from 0 to 1. You can also use 0.00063 if you for some reason want to.
"Corporal" is the units rank. Nothing more nothing less.
Hope that solves that because there's nothing more to it and I don't know how to make it more clear