I've been testing a combo of David Berka's vehicle
ParaDrop script with LustyPooh's airborne parachuting
eject script. I've gotten them both to work together , but I've noticed that after the heli drops all of the men, it ignores its WP and instead descends to a low hover and waits while the men then regroup and re-board the heli before it continues on.
The soldiers are in a separate group from the chopper and have separate WP's . I only have Move WP's for the chopper and want to delete it with
deletevehicle shortly after the drop to reduce lag.
(BTW, This is for a 1.46 MP mission.
;Here is the script:
_grp = _this select 0
_vehicle = _this select 1
_aunits = units _grp
_i = 0
_j = count _aunits
(_aunits select _i) action ["EJECT",_vehicle]
?_j>_i:goto "Here"
Is this one of those glitches because I used
this moveincargo for the units? Do I need to add in an
unassignvehicle command in the script?
Thanks for the help.