Ellöw, all.
Did anyone of yer ever wondered if it's possible to (via scrolls) detect when/if a keyboard button is in use?
Off course, the OFP engine can detect if actual buttons are pushed (
) but I wuz wondering if it can be set to detect if I use a specific radio/action button ( = some code is activated within the OFP engine, right?)
sounds mad, Tombs' gone crazy again? prolly yeah but here's what I'm after :
Instead of some "addAction" call for support (or any map clicking etc.) I wanna be able to call for support when I press the "WHERE ARE YOU"-button ( #5 on my keyboard).
BUT.... only if all my fella troopers are wasted (regardless to wether I am leader or not).
I also have some other things in mind for this, but I thought I might ask here first before thowing my empty head into the void of tombish contemplation and thinking (which most times happens on my sofa btw).
Should I skip the 'button' stuff and just use regular conditions & loops or what?!
Well, basically I'd like to see some interaction between my default RADIO #keys and the various scripts in my missions. And this is one example of that (at a very rough stage, in fact so rough that it just came to me) :-X
Is this possible... activating scripts via the various radio keys if this & that cond. is true?
P.S. yes, I know we have the "001", "002" etc. radio keys.... thats not it.