OK, there are a few methods how to solve this problem,
but my favourite one is:
At the waypoint, where you want to unload your cargo troops,
use the unassignVehicle command. The waypoint should be
a simple: move waypoint.
Waypoint's activation field:
"unassignVehicle _x" foreach units name_of_cargo_group; getout1 = true
Now create a trigger:
size: 0/0
activation: none
type: switch
condition: getout1
If your cargo troops are mounted on the vehicle right from
the beginning of the mission, you just need to place it's first
waypoint on top of the groupleader (waypoint type: HOLD)
Now syncronize this HOLD waypoint with the switch trigger
(press F5 and drag a line).
As second waypoint place a getout waypoint, nearby the
MOVE waypoint of the transport unit.
What will happen:
transport unit moves to waypoint, where it says: whole group
unassignVehicle and boolean: getout1 will change to true -
then the switch trigger will activate the second waypoint of
the cargo troopers, where it says: getout (GETOUT wp in combination with unassignVehicle is the very best medicine).
No need to syncronize the getout wayopint with any waypoint
of the transport unit.
btw - the same method you can use with assignvehicle and
a GETIN waypoint.
If you assign units to a vehicle (e.g: unit1 assignascargo truck1)
and the unit steps onto a GETIN waypoint (regardless where
the wayoint is and where the vehicle is) it will mount the
assigned vehicle.
Something else?
Ah yeah, if your troopers aren't mounted straight from the beginning of the mission on the car, you need to place the HOLD
waypoint as a previous waypoint of the GETOUT waypoint.
wp1: MOVE
wp2: MOVE
wp3: GETIN (they enter the vehicle now)
wp4: HOLD - syncronized with the switch trigger
hope this helps
~S~ CD