Hi Hit_sqd_Zulu,
nice to see a new face
Try this script I made in a map for you to put into the editor and play with.
All men onboard chopper (regardless AI or human) jump out at around 2 - 3 m in height. The chopper doesnt land just hovers there untill all dudes are out.
Its activated in a waypoint. Very simple to install into a map.
It requires no triggers. No markers etc. ;D
Chopper then flies away and lands. I take it thats what u were after?
If u want human players to not be able to eject of their own accord at a higher altitude then thats another story
Actually Im glad u asked this cause I may now take some of this setvelocity code and try to make a better rappel script too ;D
   _grp = _this select 0
   _helo = _this select 1
   _man = leader _grp
   _aunits = units _grp
   _I = 0
   _J = count _aunits
   _helo flyinheight 4
   commandstop _helo
   _height = getpos _helo select 2
   ? _height < 5: goto "speed_check"
   goto "chopland"
_xvel = velocity _helo select 0
_yvel = velocity _helo select 1
_zvel = velocity _helo select 2
?_xvel > 2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel - 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
?_yvel > 2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel - 0.1,_zvel]
?_xvel < -2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel + 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
?_yvel < -2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel + 0.1,_zvel]
? _xvel > -2 and _xvel < 2 and _yvel > -2 and _yvel < 2 :goto "start"
goto "speed_check"
   _man = (_aunits select _I)
   _man action ["getout",_helo]
   unAssignVehicle _man
   _I = _I + 1
   ?_J>_I : goto"Start"
   ?_I==_J : goto"next"
   _helo commandmove (getpos _helo)
   _helo flyinheight 100
Zay out