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Author Topic: How to combine scripts into addons?  (Read 912 times)

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How to combine scripts into addons?
« on: 10 Feb 2003, 13:53:50 »
Hi, I made a custom explosion script and I wanted to know if anyone knows how to make scripts work in addons so the player doesn't have to add those lines and sqs files into every single map they make.  I know kagety made it work with his arctic tanks and also those guyz who made the RAH-66 Comanche.  So it will be very helpful if anyone could tell me how to.  Thanks ;)


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Re:How to combine scripts into addons?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Feb 2003, 07:39:37 »
Either from the eventhandlers:

class EventHandlers
         gear = "if (_this Select 1) then {(_this Select 0) Animate [""LeftGear"", 0]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""RightGear"", 0]} else {(_this Select 0) Animate [""LeftGear"", 1]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""RightGear"", 1]}";
         init="[_this select 0] exec ""\brt_sb2c\manager.sqs""";


Or from a Useraction:

class UserActions

class GunnerU
displayName="Use Gun";
condition="this animationPhase ""rcanopya"" >= .03 and gunner this == player";
statement="[this, gunner this] exec ""\brt_sb2c\gunner.sqs""";
