Right i tried that in my case it was [ammo1, "marker1", 50, 50, 0, 0, 0] exec "ParaDropObject.sqs"
Well it kind of worked:). The crate now appears at marker but is stuck 50ft in the air with no sign of it falling and no parachute.
For an experiment i used same exec on a solder (deleted crate and named soldier ammo1), this actually works.. shute appears and near ground shute goes and soldier hits ground (usually dies hehe), but wont with crate.
Any ideas?
Thanks /K
The entire script is here (got it from code snippets section) >>>
;Parachute Drop Script V1.0
;By MP (markpalmer@hotmail.com)
;usage: [cargo, marker, height, DropHeight, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset] exec "ParaDropObject.sqs"
;see ParaDropObject.txt for full info
;Gets Variables from script call.
_Cargo = _this select 0
_Marker = _this select 1
_Height = _this select 2
_DropHeight = _this select 3
;These variables allow you to apply an offset to the parachute.
;Using these variables you can position the parachute so it looks right above the object.
;Experimentation is the key here.
_XOffset = _this select 4
_YOffset = _this select 5
_ZOffset = _this select 6
;Seems to kickstart a vehicle, without it they just sit there, or worse hover.
_Cargo domove [(getPos _Cargo select 0), (getPos _Cargo select 1)]
;Sets Initial Variables
_MarkerPos = GetMarkerPos _Marker
_cx = _MarkerPos select 0
_cy = _MarkerPos select 1
_cz = _MarkerPos select 2
_Dir = 0
;Creates and Sets Initial position of Cargo.
_Cargo setpos[_cx, _cy, (_cz + _Height)]
;Places Cargo and parachute at required position,height and offset
_Parachute = "parachute" camCreate[((getPos _Cargo select 0) + _XOffset), ((getPos _Cargo select 1) + _YOffset), ((getPos _Cargo select 2) + _ZOffset)]
;Places Cargo relative to Parachute
;Note the offset is reversed because we are making the cargo relative to the parachute and
;Not the other way around as in the previous camcreate call
_dir = getdir _Parachute
_Cargo setdir _dir
_Cargo setpos[((getPos _Parachute select 0) - _XOffset), ((getPos _Parachute select 1) - _YOffset), ((getPos _Parachute select 2) - _ZOffset)]
;Loops Until Object reaches the ground, warning: if you set the drop height to zero the cargo
;has a tendancy to disappear
?((getpos _Cargo select 2) > _DropHeight): goto "Loop1"
#Loop1 Exit