Hmmmm...I don't know alot about the descirption.ext...And yes, I believe you ARE supposed to put it in there.
I believe this can help you, it's a large description of the description.ext , It'll help you alot. Use it well, and you will be rewarded with Cherry Pies and Apple Plumps, use it incorrrectly, and you will recieve: "Error, The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Plain".
NOTE: I did not write the next, and following portion, Lustypooh, Niosop are the creators, and should recieve full credit for their work, which is the next portion. Portion, Cherry Pie...Mmmmm....
// Description.ext (in the Mission directory) file format description
// OFP Editing Center
// This file describes the format of the description.ext file which resides
// in each mission's directory.
// Used for scoring the mission.
// Title that appears on screen in briefing
onLoadIntro="Eric Stratton. Rush Chairman. Damn glad to meet ya"
// Title that appears on screen at beginning of mission
onLoadMission="Central part of Malden, near the camp in Lolisse"
// Seems to be some definition of Respawns, if and how it is possible
// Seems to be Time between Respawns
// Indicates whether or not the debriefing window appears at end of the mission 0 = no, 1 = yes
debriefing = 0
// Indicates whether or not to display the watch during the briefing 0 = no, 1 = yes
showWatch = 1
// Indicates whether or not to display the compass during the briefing 0 = no, 1 = yes
showCompass = 1
// Indicates whether or not to display the notepad during the briefing 0 = no, 1 = yes
showNotepad = 1
// Indicates whether or not to display the global positioning system during the
// briefing 0 = no, 1 = yes
showGPS = 1
// Indicates whether or not to display the map during the briefing 0 = no, 1 = yes
showMap = 1
// ??
onLoadIntroTime = true
// This class allows you to provide some uniqueness to some of the characters in the game.
class CfgIdentities
// The class name is referenced in missions.sqm file with setidentify command
class Officer
// Name of this individual
// This name appears on the screen when the associated character does a
// builtin action (for example..telling others to dismount)
name = "Ngwala Bahalai";
// Face texture to use for this character
// Values are :
// "Face33"
// "Face2"
// "Face8"
// "Face10"
// "Face11"
// "Face18"
face = "Face33";
// Wearing glasses?
// Values are :
// "none" = no glasses
// "spectacles"
// "sunglasses"
glasses = "none";
// Voice to use for this character
// Values are :
// "Adam"
speaker = "Adam";
// Pitch of voice
// 1.0 = normal pitch
// < 1.0 = deeper voice
// > 1.0 = higher voice
pitch = 1.00;
// Define sounds in the game.
class CfgSounds
// Contains a list of all the .ogg files (without the .ogg extension) which are
// in all of the CfgSounds class instances below.
sounds[] =
S02v01, S02v02, S02v03, S02v05, S02v06, S02v07, S02v08, S02v12, S02v13, S02v14,
// Define a specific sound
// The class name is referenced in the mission.sqm file. (e.g. say ""S02v61"")
class S02v61
// Name. Why do some have names and others don't? How is this used?
name = "";
// Sound file to use
// First entry is sound file to use (from sounds directory)
// Second field?
// Third field? Pitch maybe?
sound[] = {"S02v61.ogg", db-10, 1.0};
// Text String to accompany the sound. Found in stringtable.csv file
// What does multiple entries mean?
titles[] =
0, $STRM_S02v61
// Sound effects? Wasn't used in demo
class CfgSFX
sounds[] = {};
// Env sounds? Wasn't used in demo.
class CfgEnvSounds
sounds[] = {};
// Radio chatter?
// Same struct as CfgSounds
class CfgRadio
// Contains a list of all the .ogg files (without the .ogg extension) which are
// in all of the CfgRadio class instances below.
sounds[] =
S02r16, S02r17, S02r18, S02r19, S02r20, S02r21, S02r22, S02r23, S02r24
// Class name is referenced in the mission.sqm file. (E.g. sideRadio ""S02r15"")
class S02r15
name = "";
// Sound file to use
// First entry is sound file to use (from sounds directory)
// Second field?
// Third field? Pitch maybe?
sound[] = {"S02r15.ogg", db-40, 1.0};
// Text String to accompany the sound. Found in stringtable.csv file
title = $STRM_S02r15;
// Music
class CfgMusic
// Contains a list of all the .ogg files (without the .ogg extension) which are
// in all of the CfgMusic class instances below.
01demo, 05demo, 11demo,
demo1985, democut, demomixdown
// Definition for a specific music track
// The class name is referenced in the mission.sqm file. (E.g. track="01demo")
class 01demo
// Name. How is this used?
name = "Demo 01";
// Sound file to use
// First entry is sound file to use (from music directory)
// Second field?
// Third field? Pitch maybe?
sound[] = {\music\01demo.ogg, db+0, 1.0};
// This class indicates what weapons to make available to the player in the mission
// briefing. Each subclass is optional. The count field in each subclass indicates
// the number of that weapon to make available.
class Weapons
class M16
count = 1;
class M16GrenadeLauncher
count = 1;
class M4
count = 1;
class M60
count = 1;
class HK
count = 1;
class M21
count = 1;
class CarlGustavLauncher
count = 1;
class LAWLauncher
count = 1;
// This class indicates what weapon magazines to make available to the player in the mission
// briefing. Each subclass is optional. The count field in each subclass indicates
// the number of that magazine to make available.
class Magazines
class M16
count = 10;
class HandGrenade
count = 10;
class GrenadeLauncher
count = 10;
class M4
count = 10;
class M60
count = 10;
class M21
count = 10;
class HK
count = 10;
class Mine
count = 10;
class PipeBomb
count = 10;
class TimeBomb
count = 5;
class CarlGustavLauncher
count = 1;
class LAWLauncher
count = 4;
class Mortar
count = 5;
class SmokeShell
count = 10;
Hope that helped! You need any more info just come on down to me...He he (Rhymes)