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Author Topic: Addons & Configs & Errors...OH MY !!!  (Read 1154 times)

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Addons & Configs & Errors...OH MY !!!
« on: 06 Feb 2003, 13:33:33 »
Hi Y'all
          Been away for a while,but back with a fresh gripe !!!
I recently traded my original Cold War Crisis,and bought the Game of the year 3 in 1 Edition.Having spent many hours down loading the many incredible addons for OFPT,imagine my dismay on installing this new version,only to find errors galore when running user made campaigns,(many of which i feel are better than the original BIS versions anyway).

I deleted my original OFPT B4 installing GOTY,but having installed my backed up Addon files,i find messages such as "cannot load mission-missing addon Groups",along with an assortment of missing units,weapons,vehicles etc........

The user campaigns are 1985 Winter/Desert Conversions by Azimut 0,PMC Fury Jungle,Desert Spec ops, 1969 Nam By Spanky G etc........I loved these conversions and have triple checked that the required addons for each are installed correctly

Okay guys PLEEEEZZZE help me out here.Can i dump all the addons into Res/Addons,as i've tried creating seperate folders like Jungle Winter etc,but i still get the missing addon messages,
And i have created the shortcuts to each correctly.
As stated,all the campaigns and their addons are present and correct..........It just seems that my 1.90 version does'nt want to play nice !!!!!!

Any input on this huge waffle would be appreciated

              Thanx in advance   Gallandro  :'(

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Re:Addons & Configs & Errors...OH MY !!!
« Reply #1 on: 06 Feb 2003, 22:43:30 »
I am new to editing , Have downloaded 300 meg of cracking looking addons...  now reduced to pulling my hair out
Even tried keeping to the UCE addons thinking that would eliminate the problems , but lots of addons have no date so you can't match up the weapon pack.
Then there is the great conspiracy on which addon folder to use. Nobody will explain what is wrong with using Res Addons as default

unless there is specific instructions for the original addon folder.

I now keep a hoard of addon folders   including the original set
and if things get to hot backtrak to a previous addon folder.

Sorry not to have anything sensible to add



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Re:Addons & Configs & Errors...OH MY !!!
« Reply #2 on: 07 Feb 2003, 01:04:58 »
Thanx for the input there Sharez......Looks like I'm not alone in wondering how to resolve this problem.   ???

  I would never assume to second guess the CODE GURU'S,and editing goes waaayyyy over my head,so how about it you Addon Vets.....Without to much Tech,the question remains....
        Is it Opflash\Addons or,like me who is only running 1.90.Res Addons  ??? ??? ???

    Gotta get this sorted  :help:

                     I'm Out.......Gallandro


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Re:Addons & Configs & Errors...OH MY !!!
« Reply #3 on: 07 Feb 2003, 10:05:56 »
You din't downloaded the Camaigns from ofpec, so I can't talk much about them... As for the addons, you should put all addons in the RES\ADDONS folder, however the addons that are giving you errors certanely weren't downloaded in ofpec either so...
The only probelm you may find with some of our addons, is the flash bug in some of the weapons, depending if the models were edited or not.
My guess is, if you wanna use 300 MBytes of addons, than try to install one by one and keep trying them so you can know which ones are giving you problems, those Erase them...
Also try to download only the newer ones, since a lot of them were made for the Pre Resistance Version, and they may cause you troubles.


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Re:Addons & Configs & Errors...OH MY !!!
« Reply #4 on: 07 Feb 2003, 11:57:28 »
Thank you for the reply Skaven :wave:....Will try your suggestion,and apologies if I've breached protocols by talking about other peoples work without permission

           Again,thanx....And much love to the whole OFPEC community........ :cheers:
