Here is a script for a HALO drop. That means that you fall for 95% of the drop, and the parachute opens really low. Great for Black Ops.
To init it:
[Parachutist, helicopter/plane to jump out of, a game logic exactly where you want them to drop (give or take 50m)] exec "halo.sqs"
[aP,chopper1,markerdrop] exec "halo.sqs"
; ***************************************
; Operation Flashpoint Script
; ***************************************
; halo.sqs
; ***************************************
_man = _this select 0
_heli = _this select 1
_marker = _this select 2
_man moveincargo _heli
_markerpos = getpos _marker
_markerpos = [_markerpos select 0, _markerpos select 1, 2000]
_heli setpos _markerpos
_heli flyinheight 2000
_man setbehaviour "SAFE"
; changeable text, change part in brackets
_heli SideChat "Alpha prepare for drop. Over."
_heli SideChat "Here we go. Three..."
_heli SideChat "Two..."
_heli SideChat "One..."
_heli SideChat "Drop!"
;halo drop part
_man setpos getpos _heli
;drop part
;drop part
aP sidechat "die"
setacctime 0.001
_heli setpos getpos _man
_man moveincargo _heli
_man action ["eject", _heli]
_heli setpos [0,0,0]
deletevehicle _heli
setacctime 1
There you go. Happy Dropping!